DJI Mini 4 Pro and all other editions - Rumours, leaks, gossip and general discussion

Cheers mate.

@SparkyFPV this was what my comments in the Mini 3 firmware thread were in relation too mate, a fear of DJI imposing EASA restrictions on UK airspace for all drones using the Fly app come January 2024 :pensive:

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Its not restricted its got the 500m limit :wink:

Screen shot from a GPS locked drone in the UK please?


Also, @florin.a

Has confirmed this and his App can remove the limit of 120m in the EU

Cheers geezer :+1:t2:

DJI Support confirmed when quizzed on Twitter:

But I donā€™t believe them :rofl:

Just wished you believed in me :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :grinning:

What, by Mr #PhotosOrItDidntHappen ?

This :point_up:t2:


And donā€™t forget to join @group-mini-4-pro :wink:

No by a friend this morning

If anyone is travelling to the EU, this is an option :point_up_2:

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Do i want one - Yes, Do i need one - NO ! Am i trying to figure out a way to justify one - Of course but this time im strong & resolute. I WILL NOT BUY :grimacing:


Thinking about it :thinking:IF they release a stand alone MIni 4 Pro iā€™d buy it in a heartbeat. I already own the RC2 controller from the Air 3 so no controller required :open_mouth:

Thought to up grade from my mini2 but my financial advisor (the wife) said no, oh dear :frowning::cry:

In your position iā€™d always advise to LISTEN to the sage advive of the accountant !

they need a drone only option, and use the RC (1) + goggles and the motion controller (2).

are we sure the m3p batteries donā€™t work?

plus are we sure the m3p filters and wide angle lens does not fit?

Itā€™s in this video, skip to 3:06

RC1 will never work from what I have seen and heard, totally different radio system

maybe we are not looking at the same controllerā€¦ this one Iā€™m referring to

should work, itā€™s just software