DJI Neo won't connect to Fly app / won't start

Oh well we tried

Yes im very grateful for your help

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Have you made and activated a Dji account on the Dji app?

If you were closer to Manchester I would have met up and helped you

Maybe a member closer to you could

yes did all that it was showing connections and pics of mini3 mini2
and two more, but at no time would it show neo
i took a a scan of [quote=“BulletDodger, post:30, topic:86151, full:true”]
Have you made and activated a Dji account on the Dji app?
Aqr scan of instructions so would expect app to be up to date

Did you sit down with a cuppa and watch the YouTube video more than once (I’m not taking the piss mate just trying to help out)
I remember linking mine up I had to watch a YouTube video or two and read quick start guide over more than a few times.
Just take you’re time and try again tomorrow if you are losing patience before throwing in the towel so to speak

Device choose a drone shows AIR series phantom
matrce still no NEO

If the Neo isn’t in the list of drones Keith @stikflote it sounds like you’re still running an older version of the Fly app.

You didn’t say if you uninstalled the current Fly app and if you installed the latest version using the link @SparkyFPV provided earlier? :thinking:

Sorry but tried that as well ,and another phone

It sounds like you have the DJI GO app, you want the DJI FLY app for the NEO.


I was just gonna mention that as a possibility.

phone app reads DJI FLY

Im it taking back to shop

thanks for all your help i do appreciate it

The GO app wouldn’t have a clue about these models …

But it should not show these on the Fly app :man_shrugging:

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Yup - correct there. :+1:

Definitely the wrong app.

a last throw of the dice could it possibly be the samsung S10 is not
powerful enough i have found that from QR code on box its

1.5 version

What box

Box it came in , its same as in easy start guide

Do this

Open the app on your phone

And go to profile

Then settings

Scroll up till you see the version number of the app

What does it say, take a screenshot if you can

Just googled my phone its a samsung S10 its not suitable for neo ,
as for photo you put on ive not seen that pic ono phone screen

SPARKY thanks for your help and time ,ive finished with it
back to shop

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