DJI (Osmo) Pocket 2 mega thread

(Admin: Posts moved. This post referred to The Black Death & the Lost Villages of Dorset)

Love these Chris and love the style.

I hope you don’t mind some constructive criticism. Especially as I don’t consider myself anywhere near a decent video or sound expert.

I appreciate the docu format is part of the charm including the in car segments. However the rumbling background noise from the car in motion is really annoying. It’s disappointing the DJI mic isn’t cutting it out better. Maybe you can do something with it in post to soften the background noise. I think I would have re recorded the map voice over bit at home so the background rumbling wasn’t there.

Wind I kind of accept and I think the DJI mic does a better job with that but for some reason the car stuff it doesn’t.

As an aside I mainly watch these in my huge TV that’s hooked up to decent sound system so it could just be my setup is escalating it more.

If it wasn’t one of your videos I’d have probably have turned it off within a minute because the sound was annoying me.