Drone pilot pleads guilty to endangering historic aircraft

BBC have follow up report with pictures of how close it was flying and some general drone guff thrown in…
have at it folks!

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Full story on BBC news website

Found him through social media, posted drone photos from the day over Buxton so they took his drone and downloaded the logs.

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It must take somebody real special to be smart enough to get that close to an aircraft that is being watched by so many people, then post the evidence of his guilt online… pure genius!! :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

is he a GADC member? :worried: :worried:

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Doesn’t say he posted evidence of flying close, posted photos of Buxton from that day and the police checked the logs which identified it was him.


He was also ordered to complete 100 hours of unpaid work and will be electronically monitored with a curfew at his home address

Why tag him :thinking:

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Yeah that is the bit I don’t get.

Looking at those photos I’d have said the drone was not as close at you’d think initially. I think the drone has to be quite a bit closer to the camera than the plane is.

Perhaps someone who can identify the drone can work out the relative difference in sizes?

(Note I am by no means saying that it was a safe thing to be even in the air when the plane was about.)

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So he’s kinda doing a sentence or, restricted rather but @ home instead of jail …

Those tags are :scream: so I heard !

Does it itch you :joy:

Some say they’d rather do the jail, as being on a curfew @ home, well, simply does yr f@@@@@@ head in, :tired_face: I must not listen to what people tell me ! :joy:

Hope they tagged his drone as well or he can do the same again :sweat_smile:

All these jet airliners reporting seeing drones nearby but this old slower propeller driven aircraft didn’t even see the drone?

Yes officer, I was aware of the NOTAM. Just did it anyway… :roll_eyes:

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Thank God nothing happened.

Hi @mpaull Ive moved your post here where the topic is already being discussed :+1:t2:

I’d happily do the time at home. I would order in alcohol and play Skyrim a lot. Would it do my head in, nah, no worse than the first covid lockdown. I racked up the best part of 1000 hours of gaming while locked in and got pissed every night.

Think of all that time in Liftoff perfecting your skill. :stuck_out_tongue:

As to him being a nump, yes, he is one of those too dumb to drive a car types, let alone fly a drone. The fact he admitted to knowing he shouldn’t fly and still doing it says a lot and I bet they dug up a ton more stuff from his social media. That’s probably why he got the tag.

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Maybe different these days & as you said lockdown, so most could probably cope with it, just crap seeing all yr mates go out & you can’t.

Not sure how the courts work these days but when the tags first come about, I mean we’re talking over 20 years ago now, the tag was an alternative too jail, if you refused the tag as an option in court, the chances are you was going too jail 99.9 %, the tag was so you could still keep yr job, house etc but depending on yr curfew hours, you’d be banged up at home from maybe 6 in the evening till 6 in the morning, then you have the ball ache, of every-time your tag loses connection they’d ring you up, they don’t care what time it is either, if you didn’t or don’t answer the phone it’s a violation & they can or could send you back too court, where you might end up in jail, maybe the tech is better these days so I can’t comment on that.
Anyway I don’t fancy none of it :joy:


Well hello airprox. That level of stupidity merits a Darwin Award!

There’s me thinking I’d seen this strot first…. Dang, shoulda known better😂

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