I personally do not want people in my drone footage but i have learned that the ‘Kevin and Karens’ think that is all we want to do… snoop on them personally and invade privacy…
Yet there is other surveillance going on that can be used directly and positively to implicate the person being filmed. That person or family can be filmed literally for hours at a time and if in the view of the person filming, has transgressed the law, they can then upload the footage directly to the police who, if in agreement, will take lawful action against that person. At times this action is even solicited for directly.
This filming is not incidental at all… but is intentional…
I wonder how many Kevin and Karens too have dashcams in their vehicles?
The paradox? dashcam can and does, literally, implicate not only other road users but all and sundry who happen to be in view of the camera… (apparently a quarter of the 32.7 million drivers have a dashcam) yet it is socially acceptable. I have not heard anyone claim that, due to dashcam filming, someone is ‘filming me’ or ‘violating my civil right of privacy’ Yet I do not know of many or any successfully prosecuted invasion of privacy by a drone… certainly nothing like the usage of dashcam footage.
Ok fair enough. Phones, airplanes, doorbell cams, home security that’s looks at alot more that there property, Google maps, Google Street View, baseball caps with hidden camera inside and hidden webcams in Windows are all ok and most of these without warning but a drone you can hear coming is a no go. Sorry I don’t get it. Lol
And ignorance. To many idiots believe what they see in the likes of Mission Impossible etc. Take a shot from 4 miles away, through fire and smoke, then ‘enhance’ the picture from a blur surrounded by smoke to being able to see the colour of the subjects eyes!
Wish my camera would do that, then I could really perv!
Main issue is the audio recording, as a noise enforcement officer when using noise recording equipment we had to have RIPPA authorisation prior to installing it and advise the neighbours we were monitoring for nuisance . s
I was initially horrified at the cost to the man (100,000 and some costs too?)… After I read a bit more of the article… it was not a straightforward case of ‘it’s only a door bell’
I’ve been approached several times by people telling me I can’t take pictures of them while using my SLR. The most recent was a couple of years ago while at a local skate park where I had an angry parent approach me and demand that I give them my camera so they could delete any images of their son. I politely declined and told them to point out their sprog and I would be happy to delete them myself, he then got more than a little angry and verbally abusive. I pointed out I was not breaking any laws and as long as I didn’t name any of the subjects in the photos I could do as I wish with and publish them anywhere I liked. They then made a show of phoning the police, I don’t know if they were pretending or if the police had more important things to do, or maybe they even told them there was nothing they could do? But I hung around for an hour and they never showed. Angry parent left with their son 5 minutes after the call. The rest of the skaters approached me and asked if I had any good shots they could share with their mates. Turns out the angry dad was always harrassing the older kids and trying to bully them into making space for his son instead of having to wait his turn like the rest of them.
My dashcam continues to record when parked, doesn’t just wake up if it senses a bump. I park it down the drive facing the road. Neighbours know about it and it’s seen as a CCTV in case anything happens around us.
Yet at work my team have to be licensed to view/monitor public space cctv (£££) and we need a bullet proof GDPR policy and have to bow down to the whims of the ICO
2K video and nothing special for night time. Didn’t realise it recorded when stopped until I was scrolling back looking for a dickhead driver and saw night footage. Only supposed to record when it senses a bump if the engine’s off. Need to read the manual.
Not as bad as the hi-tech door bells fitted to plenty of the houses around here.