Hi All
Anyone else seen this, its what looks like a mini Mavic Pro for £75
You van get it even cheaper if you buy more than one.
Hi All
Anyone else seen this, its what looks like a mini Mavic Pro for £75
You van get it even cheaper if you buy more than one.
Barge pole and touch in the same sentence springs to mind
Limited specs…
Shoot in HD … 720p tops ?
You’ll get exactly what you payed for.
It looks like an Eachine E58 to me.
I still wouldn’t bother with it though.
I’ve read about this somewhere else, it’s basically an E58 resold as an xdrone and doubling the price. From what I read, the customer service was beyond crap.
As Chris says, ‘Barge pole and don’t touch’ spring to mind
Basically my first outside drone with a different looking controller. Range of about 150 ft and any wind will give you a guaranteed fly away! First time I tried to fly it the a small gust of wind blew it over before it too off. Good fun for kids.
Found the same thing on ebay for £36.26
looks like a good way to kiss goodbye to your money !
@Brian I don’t remember changing my name by deed pole too chris nice bloke but I wouldn’t change my name we would have too many Chris’s just like Brian’s and Richard’s
As already said it’s a rebranded eachine E58 which you can pick up for much less.
oYE, Wos wrong with Chris !
geoff, oooh, sorry Jeff !! !
It’s Brian putting words in your mouth
We all should buy one then if you get a visit from the police and they what to confiscate the grey drone that that has been flying about give them the rip off Mavic
oye!! @BrianB i’m Chris
, cause i was born 2 days before CHRIStmas
He’s Jeff cause e cums frum op narth !.
He can’t help it poor lad !!
Wrong Brian!
There you go @SkyJumper , @GrahameRob has come up with a good reason to buy one.
See what I mean
Right Chris wrong Brian
I rest my case
apologies @BrianB !, i had a dementia moment !.
(This is a classic example of not being able to edit your post after you have spotted your mistake !!!)
I don’t know who Iam anymore!! Lol
A friend has just pointed out a site which is allegedly selling drones very cheaply: YDODXA.COM…
Is it a scam?