Easter break - drone fly location?

Hello All, I am looking for suggestions for location during the Easter break. Ideally 200-300 km radius from London.

Currently I am thinking Cotswold.
Any suggestions around this place or known areas for good drone shot and timing to take them is deeply appreciated.

What did you think of the recommendations already on Drone Scene for that region @Ritish ?


You should check out our very own Dronescene


Big choice

85km more :+1:

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I did and and seemed bit away from main Cotswold villages so wanted to check with people on the forum. I will probably do same if what’s on Drone scene just to be safe!
Also the drone assist map shows clear for flying for similar places.

I don’t want to go further north than Birmingham! And by road when I check it was around 200 km. Still too cold up north for me!

Warmth of the people makes up for it


Forgive me for this but why do people speak in kilometres when our measurement of distance is in miles ?
Just something I’ve never understood ?

Depends what you mean. 100meter track sprint is easier as 100meter. A 0.1km sprint just be silly, though 0.062m even sillier really. I ran a 5km race this morning. I do actually use miles on my Garmin so thats 3.11miles. anyone educated in the 70s onwards was educated in metric for distances. Yes our driving distances are miles on the roads and speed limits etc, but a radius of 100k as the crow flies could be Mon 100k driving but more likely 130plus! Or 80 miles if you prefer. I use 120m for my max flying height some people 400 foot… Whichever suits. So depends what distance. Weird you found it strange.

Me weird… isn’t it weird that you say that when all of our road signs are shown in miles /mph ?

If you get a speeding ticket it shows mph not kph ! Our cars Speedo shows Mph ,

You gotta laugh eh ?