Editing 5.1k videos

Hi Everyone I have a Mavic 3 Classic which can record in 5.1k I rarely use this as I edit on my iPad Pro but most editing software only use 4k like capcut or iMovie lumafusion. Can anyone recommend something so I can use 5.1k video.

You can set Davinci Resolve resolution to pretty much whatever you want … including 5,120 x 1,700

Does YT support it or just downscale to 4k?

I will take a look I have it on my iPad Pro but couldn’t see how to change resolution…I would have thought YouTube would support it pretty of 8k video’s I see and watch.

The layout is different on the iPad version than normal - so not certain.

Project Settings … icon bottom right


or add a new timeline and don’t accept the project default …



Or, from the cut page (that I know is the main tab on the iPad version) there may be this icon top right of the preview window.


Layout changed significantly from the normal version to try and squeeze the functionality onto a tablet. Those I know that use the iPad do so when they have to - not because they want to.

Depends where you’re putting your footage.

These are the recommended encoding settings for Youtube

YouTube recommended upload encoding settings - YouTube Help (google.com)

Can you even import 5.1k video to the iPad Pro ?

edit Cancel that, you can to the pro - Lumafusion gets really good reviews

great thanks.

Yes if you use this work around.