First build

Don’t get the xing 2005 motors they are only compatible with Nazgul 5030 props which won’t work on your 4" frame

I’m not mate, Iv gone for the Xing 1507 4200 iv had to purchase 2 of them from YourFPV website which is a pain as would of liked to get job lot from HobbyRC . I think I’m just about there, Ill post the list below if I’m missing something please let me know.

Iv ordered a second set of Bi blade props as I’m intrigue to how they fly after talking to Howard.


Good choice mate. Nice motors and the bolt opens you up to many more choices of prop.

I’ve got lightweight 4" drones with 8g motors - my props are mostly gemfan or nazgul and fairly limited due to the fitment.

Excited to see how the build progresses.

Im going to try and order today :+1:t3:

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I’ve tried that… it’s never worked for me. I don’t know why not.

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I think if the buzzer is already going off then you need to plug in un plug and plug back in again then it should deactivate but if you’ve just landed from a flight then it’s just un plug and plug back in.

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And unplug again? I wanna remove that battery not leave it on! TBH I just held the button for 3 seconds, but…

Yeah obviously unplug it but just to deactivate the buzzer it’s plug in and unplug within 3 seconds. So if you landed and not crashed you’d need to unplug this will activate the buzzer so you then need to plug back in and unplug again with in 3 seconds.

It’s for when you can’t access the button on the buzzer on say a cinewhoop where the buzzer is tucked away in the frame.

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Yep, did all that… both out in the field and on the bench. It’s never worked… every time I’ve had to press the button.

Believe me I’ve tried… over and over again.

Just an update everything purchased and should be here next week. I know its a cheeky 1, has anyone purchased anything from Your FPV and would anyone have a discount code ?? as Iv got to purchase 2 more motors and props from there ??..

No worries if not :+1:t3:

Karl @notveryprettyboy posted one a few days ago but he posted an image only (with no text) so I can’t search for it :see_no_evil:

ok no worries worth a try

Found it, but after all that it was for Drone Authority, not yourpfv :man_facepalming:t2:

lol no worries Ill just order them :+1:t3:

might have. let me have a quick look

No worries mate Iv ordered it but thanks :+1:t3:

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Ok mate. Mine was drone authority anyway

I don’t think YourFPV do discount codes :thinking:

But the last order I made I got some xt60 connectors and blue aluminium standoffs thrown in for free as an extra, which I thought was a nice touch :+1:t2:

Quick question, does anyone know any 3D printing site where you can download the designs ??.