I will be visiting the Netherlands soon (driving from the U.K.) staying near Eindhoven and will be visiting Amsterdam. Does anyone have any recommendations of places to fly?
I’ve also had a quick look into the drone flying laws there and it seems you don’t need as much ‘paperwork’ as in the U.K., if anyone has any experience it would be appreciated.
My understanding is that your UK drone registration will not be valid in the EU. You will need to register it with an EU country (France can be done easily online). However, things change all the time, so ……
Also, drone regulations in EU depend on MTOW for all categories not, as in this country, ‘flying weight’ for smaller drones. Therefore, for example, the Mini 2 is in A2 transitional, not A1 (UK). So you need A2CofC to fly Mini 2 in EU but not in UK and cannot fly closer than 50m horizontally from uninvolved people (unlike UK). Again, worth checking because things do change although I doubt it in this case as EU will follow strict EASA almost certainly.
I haven’t studied it in detail as I have no intention of flying outside the UK for the foreseeable future. However, I believe that the EU countries are generally taking the EASA regulations as they were written. These use “Maximum Mass” not “flying mass” used for small drones by the UK CAA (https://www.easa.europa.eu/domains/civil-drones/drones-regulatory-framework-background/open-category-civil-drones). As the Mini 2 weighs about 242g normally, but can be flown with prop guards and ND filters etc, its Max take-off mass would push it into A2 and require an A2CofC.
I think the important thing is to be aware of the difference so that you understand the the ‘why’ in the very unlikely event that someone in authority, who might interpret the rules that way, approaches you when you were flying.
Certainly here, based on flying weight, it’s clear you don’t need an A2CofC for an “unadorned" Mini 2. It seems a bit more of a grey area under strict EASA rules.
I’ve done the Alpha Tango online test and got my registration number, but the post I replied to said “ ….for example, the Mini 2 is in A2 transitional, not A1 (UK). So you need A2CofC to fly Mini 2 in EU….”
That’s what I’m querying as the French government site says 250g or less is fine once you are registered.
I think reading the Alpha Tango info a stock Mini 2 is OK so long as it’s registered for flying in France.
This is from the Alpha Tango site.
Drone less than 250 grammes
You don’t have to take training. However, it is recommended to pass the “Open A1/A3” category.
The training will be implemented in 1st semester 2021 on the portal Alpha Tango:
If my unmanned aircraft weights 800 grams or more, I have to:
• Register it on the AlphaTango website: https://alphatango.aviation-civile.gouv.fr/;
• Complete successfully an online training course https://fox-alphatango.aviation-civile.gouv.fr/, or
a training course provided by an entity recognised by the French DGAC (Direction générale de l’Aviation civile);
• Be equipped with an electronic signal.
Unmanned aircraft weighting 25 kg or more must comply with additional requirements, including additional registration with the Direction générale de l’Aviation civile.