Flying with someone else’s NOTAM

I have been chatting and helping (or trying to) @Droning.On, and it’s caused me to think!

Nick has obtained permission from Coventry Airport to fly in a local park:

The question is, can anyone use that permission, or is it only for the person that obtained it?
As long as there is a valid NOTAM for drone flights in the area, can anyone with a drone make use of the permission?

I’m going to take an educated guess here, as I don’t know much on the best of days ( & still learning ) with the above,

I would have said the person only who obtained it, as surly it’s assigned to them when getting the permission,

Flight or flights as in flights in the same area or NOTAM may become a risk of or collision ? Or unless the authorities are told or it be allowed,

I’d have thought not as the person who obtained permission it’s there space / Notam call it, if someone else came along & flew in there space & something went wrong, then that person buggered off, surly it would cause a problem for the Person who gained permission for the Notam,
Again an educated guess, I know very little about the above as I try to stay away from these situations for my own peace of mind, sorry if I’m completely wrong, again just an educated guess, :blush:

Edit I’m sure someone will put me right if I’m wrong, I would take no offence ….

The Notam is only a notification that a flight is going to happen (or something else), not permission to fly. If anybody else wants to fly, they will have to apply to ATC, and the NOTAM will probably be changed/updated.

@Kirky Richard, you are raising the points that I had whirling around in my head.
What if the person who requested the NOTAM is not there …. So you are the only person flying?

Again mate, as I’m not that educated on this area and now having seen hotrodspike’s post above I’d have said I would have thought common sense to

So I’m sure you’d have to notify the relevant authorities to update the details.

Nope. Afraid they aren’t opening up the airspace to anybody who wants to rock up with a drone, they’re approving the specific requests they receive.

Coventry Airport has an online portal to request permission to fly in the FRZ that asks for detailed information about you and your planned flight. Also, their policy says they copy all requests/approvals/refusals to the police.

If you’re looking to go along with Nick on this flight, perhaps if he contacted ATC they’d be able to add you as a second pilot to the existing permission? Or, time allowing (they state they need at least 7 days), you could fire in your own request.

The permission to fly within a restriction is given to a specific person. Much as, say, a garage mechanic has your permission to drive your car for purposes of moving around the workshop or taking for a short roadtest. Although they may be licensed you have not given permission to the service receptionist to drive your car even though they are part of the same organisation.

Thanks for that …. You may be interested to know that they have abandoned the portal, and now you just have to send an email to -

To be clear, I actually have my own approval (in the morning) and Nick has his in the afternoon, so this is more of a academic question than actually planning to jointly fly

As they both have to apply for the area unlock code for the drone off the DJI Flysafe website ( assuming they are flying DJI drones), then both would need permission from Coventry ( to upload to the Flysafe website when asking for the unlock ) Unlocks work from 00:00 till 23:59 for one day ( unless you ask for a longer period) I unlocked Derby Airfield restriction for one week ( flight was weather dependent) :wink::wink:

Coventry doesn’t seem to be in a DJI NFZ, (or at least the area I fly in isn’t) so I have never needed to unlock with DJI.
I have a NOTAM that lasts for a month

Wow that surprises me Budgie. According to the DJI Flysafe website, Derby Airfield near me, doesn’t have a DJI NFZ, but if you’re within their FRZ ( as defined on Drone Assist) the drone will not take off ( tried about 3 months ago ) and the warning came up on screen that I needed to unlock that area. However, I flew there yesterday after getting permission off Derby Airfield and filling in an unlock request on the Flysafe website.

Ahh , you are quite correct, according to Flysafe, there’s no zone in Coventry, yet on drone assist it’s clearly marked. I see your notam in there, EGGN/C4389/23 too

DJI has zones that need unlocking …

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Ozone, that’s very strange, when I’m trying to unlock a zone on the Flysafe website, the map that comes up, where you select the zone, does not have the Derby Airfield on it, yet has the EMA zones on it ?

A further reason to get shot of DJI fly zone restrictions and just worry about where isn’t legal by UK legislation.

This, that I posted elsewhere today on the problems of DJI’s stupidity, is worth reading.

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What I see on the Flysafe website.

Turn on the warning zone layer

Shouldn’t be an unlock in the yellow zone but just a warning

Depends how far from the airfield you are when there’s no central circular zone.

They are down to the ground at the airfield, taper upward further away.

Sparky, when I click the layers map it only toggles between road map and satellite view, for some strange reason. ( I’m using my iPad though ) Will try this on my phone once it’s charged up :wink:

This is an iPad use the top icon