Foam Glider Conversion - Build Thread

I’ll start by outlining my approach and parts selection.

The smallest motor I have is a AF204 2910KV which I originally bought for my Mobula wing. I was going to use this but having seen Karls @notveryprettyboy two motors in the wings it’s a much better option, as FPV camera can go in front nose. Dur… why was I thinking just one :thinking:
So as I need two the same now I’ve chosen T-Motor F1103 8000KV which suits either 2S or 3S (link below) and takes the small 1.5mm push-on toothpick props. Two motors means I can follows Karls lead and setup differential thrust, with this and the wing surfaces set up as Elevons I don’t need to do the rudder, it should control like a wing.

I’ve got some small 20A ESC’s in my spares box so I’ll reuse two of those. I did originally think of using two 18650 cells but not sure if 7v would be enough, then I thought that some flat pouch Li-Po cells taken from an old battery would package better, maybe under the wings, so jury out on that at the moment. (could even use a 2S Tiny Hawk pack)

Smallest servos I could find in stock anywhere are HS40’s made by Hitec, ordered two (link below)
I intend to bury those in the wings, at 8.6mm thick I’m hoping they will not stick out.

As I’ve got a ZORRO ELRS TX coming (stuck in HKG security ATM) I’ve bought a tiny EP2 receiver (link below), the one with the onboard ceramic block antenna, so will be learning ELRS.

It’s mine so IT HAS TO HAVE GPS, which means a FC. I’ve got some older F3/F4’s in stock, will look tonight and decide what I’ll use.

I’ve got a couple of small FPV cameras in stock also some basic 5G8 VTX’s, not cutting edge, bought them in my early days of doing this stuff but at 100mW or maybe 250mW should be plenty, These little planes are only fun park-flyers

I got my plane frame last night so will be studying it tonight

More tomorrow hopefully
Steve :slightly_smiling_face:


Great choice of motors. I use these exact same ones on my 2" builds… and even better I have spares, lol.

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Might be good to link to the plane frame.

Looking forward to seeing this progress Steve :star_struck:
Which glider are you converting? Will it be used for Skywars at the Big Meet? And could I convert one using 2205 motors? Its the only spare motors I have at the moment lol

They are on offer. £1.20 for 2, not 25 quid

How long do they take to arrive Karl?

Took about 8 days i think. Real quick

Ah thats cool thought they might be multiple weeks. Thats an awesome price too :+1:t2:

You have to try and build one. Its a good learning curve.

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Can I go Jeremy Clarkson style “More Power!” and stick 2205 motors on it or is that just a no no lol

I just stuck on what i had. I reckon if you put them on it will go like a rocket. If the cofg is right and the flaps are up

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Hmmm, I’m trying to buy those planes. However as soon as I try to pay it pops up an error and gives up.

Edit: I finally got it to work with Credit Card. It hadn’t worked before.

Alright, chaps. I was interested in this but I don’t have a bunch of spare parts lying around. Not ones that aren’t broken at least. So I’m trying to put together a full parts/shopping list.

So far I have

Plane (x2)..........................2.70
Motors (x2)........................15.00
Props (x8)..........................2.50
Servos (x2)........................26.00
RX (XFR Nano?).....................22.00
Camera (Razer Micro)...............13.00
VTX (T-Motor FT200)................17.00
ESC (???)
FC (???)

I’m currently unclear on the FC/ESC requirements so that could be anything from £15 - £60 as far as I can make out, and I’m already up to around the £100 mark.

I shall have to have a think about this. :thinking:

Ive just made this thread for questions about Glider Conversions as I can see we all have alot of questions and are likely to take Steves thread off on a tangent


My glider should be here next week hopefully, I’m going old school ie control by “seat of your pants flying” and will help in keeping the weight down.

Had a look through bits drawer and found these motors a 20A ESC’s they maybe over kill but worth a try at recycling them in this build.
I had forgotten these but l now recall having to rewind one that shed during flight, it sounds completely different to the others though…weird

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I’ll post up details of it tomorrow, but it’s the same as Karl’s two for £1.20

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I’m trying to avoid saying no, but I think they’ll be too heavy :slightly_frowning_face:

You dont need an fc. And the cheapest esc will do. 10 to 20a should be fine as long as you know what lipo is going in

FWIW here’s my parts list ATM but it will change as build progresses…

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What if I just put wheels on it and pretend to fly it around the fields? :laughing: