Found mini 3 pro

I’ve just found a DJI mini 3 pro in a DJI bag with 3 batteries and charging hub, no controller. There’s no operator id on the drone and no SD card in it. Any ideas on who what or where to contact in this instance?


Did you find it in a field in Corby? :thinking:

Take it in to your local police station. If it’s not claimed in X amount of time, you’ve got a free drone :blush:

could maybe connect it to a pc and see if it has been registered it might have an email address associated with it that you can use to contact the owner?

if not as @PingSpike suggested drop it in at the local plod shop :+1:t2:

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Thanks, I posted on a DJI page on FB and sent their customer support the serial number, see what they come back with.

Hopefully nothing, GDPR and all that :scream:

The Mini 3 pro has internal memory, connect it to a PC and it will show as an SD Card

see if there is anything on it


Can I be the first to comment on your honesty, these days its so rare but this is a great story and hopefully you will find the owner. Good on you !


Thanks @777flyer DJI have all the details, hopefully they’ll find the owner! As a 777fixer you know you can trust me :thinking:

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Try an email to

They’ll be able to trace and owner.

Hats off to spannetsatcx, good on ya for the honesty!!


Thanks still waiting to hear from DJI guess they’re having trouble locating the owner :man_shrugging:

Unlikely to be even trying

I’m fairly new to this community and I must say the honesty here is awesome to see… sounds like someone has just forgotten to pick up their drone (I always think where is mine and if I don’t have it I panic :cold_sweat:) hopefully all can be sorted and the owner found but if not then like someone mentioned above, a free drone it is for you but I’m not too sure what the police do with things these days, probably will keep it for themselves as drones are an amazing bit of kit

Remember though it’s a useless piece of kit as it’s already registered to another account

As much use as a chocolate fire guard

Hopefully it will find it’s way back home


8 posts were split to a new topic: Lost my Mini 2 in the sea

I’ve had nothing back from DJI, I also posted on a local FB page, nothing :man_shrugging:

They won’t be I interested, it’s probably had care refresh against it so the owner got a new one

Did you check the internal storage for any images

I would double check re the Police… I’m sure the storing of lost property (specific items only) ceased… I could be wrong but worth an enquiry at your local station.

The police stopped storing lost property years ago. The only thing they are interested in nowadays is ammunition, guns, drugs and cash.
If the finder of any other lost property has made all reasonable attempts to identify the owner then they are allowed to keep it if none of the following apply:
The property was not found while doing anything illegal.
It was not found on someone elses private property.
It wasn’t secured to anything.

Thanks, just a rather expensive paperweight sat there🤷‍♂️