FPV GPS Module

Are all GPS modules born equal? I’m giving serious thought to fitting a GPS module to my Quad purely for failsafe while I’m still learning and then probably for Speed reports etc when I get more experienced. Having a quick look online it appears they vary greatly in price. Is there anything I should be looking for? Or anything that I should specifically avoid? Thanks in advance :slightly_smiling_face:

Bn880 for a good high sat lock. Bn220 for a small size.

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Any particular size for a 5" Karl?

The bn180 or 220 is good. The bn880 is overkill really. It has a magnetometer though if you were to go with inav rather than beta flight

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Full disclosure… after my first flight attempt I shit my pants and have decided I need a good failsafe. Its not so much me losing it or breaking it, I can’t get my head around just cutting the motors and letting it drop out the sky and possibly land on someone :grimacing:

Ummm beta flight rescue only works 1 or 200 metres out and will fly back in your general direction until you get control again. Or it just drops near you. It’s not a mavic mate

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Inav will land it like a mavic

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You’ll get used to it. Youll be fine


I’m not after Mavic style home and land by itself just something that if its flying away in the wrong direction it will come back to my general area if that makes sense? Is that possible Karl?

I found when I get out of my depth or disoriented I flip to angle mode and bring it gently back.

Have you tried with the goggles on yet?


Beta flight rescue does work at a distance. You’ll be able to see if anyone is around if you have to dump it. I’ve never had to use it though, only in testing. Best to have a spotter. Really helps

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Good idea. Angle and a little throttle will reorientate yourself


That’s what I did and have done a few times especially when trying to land without crashing to hard


It was angle mode that got me into trouble lol Caught in a stiff breeze and struggled to get her home but that was without goggles. I think I panicked a bit and without goggles was difficult to work out orientation :grimacing:

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Its a real talent flying any sort of distance los


Ive done that a few times. Horizon mode is also easier to bring it back but just don’t be to harsh on the sticks. Small movements or it’ll hit the deck in my experience

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Oh for sure Karl, it wasn’t intentional. I was just trying to get to grips with throttle control in a local playing field. It’s surrounded by hedges and fairly out of the wind. As my confidence grew I went a little higher (still not high) and the wind was a little stronger. Seemed to be doing ok but then I was in trouble before I realised. I think it would have been easier to handle with the goggle view. I will definitely be using the goggles next time and a bigger field (hopefully this weekend)

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I did something similar the other day and decked behind a locked gate and fence at the racecourse.
I had clamber over a fence which must have been funny to watch being as I’m 43 and about 19stone.

Needless to say I’ll not be trying my acrobatics over a locked field again


Haha its all a learning curve Howard :grin: I’m looking forward to my first real FPV experience hopefully this weekend if the weather is ok :crossed_fingers:t2:


You’ll love it once you’ve got the confidence Steve.

I held off but now I’ve got better goggles I hardly fly without them.
I also have been practicing with a simulator (velocidrone) and find thats really helping me to master the delicate stick control