So… a quick try in uncrashed…
This is what we’re looking for but smoother at the end, right?
About 200% better than my efforts in Uncrashed so far. I got distracted chasing the drift cars in the new map.
I’d completely forgotten about those !
It needs to continue moving in the same direction.
Punch, 180 front flip, 180 roll while adding yaw spin to face original direction
Seems that some say that’s needed and some not. If you look at the cartoon on the original post then it’s not included, but the video has it.
Interestingly this video doesn’t even have a roll!
So what is our definition of a juicy flick…?
as defined by our illustrious Challenges Committee
ahh so a slow front flip ??
God knows…
Most don’t agree with that video…
I dont include returning back to flying forwards as part of the move. Just flip upside down slow roll back upright. Direction of flip or roll is not relevant either do whatever you like best strict rules just limits creativity.
I get the impression it’s more about the flick… a couple of quick, “flicky” moves…
It’s always about the flick
Opps, wrong forum
Yeh it’s an intro to flying “juicy” style. It’s all about the muscle memory of getting that flip nice and snappy and coordinating your yaw and roll to get a nice axial roll.
What does the winner receive? I’ll give it a bash on Friday see what I can come up with .
To choose the next trick for the next comp
Decent. I would take that
A juicy flick is just a fast pitch and slow roll whilst having backwards momentum.
Any yaw or anything else you want to throw in is great and adds to the trick but I not essential
Did get a chance to go fly got 1 or 2 juicy flicks in not the best as it was bloody freezing. Lesson learnt don’t fly after crashing quad into snow it will probs dsync as shown here. FPV WINTER FREESTYLE | ENDING WITH DSYNC - YouTube
Nice bit of controlled flying there Ben Was that the same kind of dsync issue you was having before?