General 3D printing chit chat

Right what to print next :thinking:


Bear with, I’m looking…

Yes on the desk foot print, the height is 750mm

@Sparkyws try and print my design

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What about the airspace foot print, is it much wider? :thinking:

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Hmm, not that much more then? :thinking:

thinking of getting one @PingSpike :rofl:

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:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil:

Funny thing. I bought a 3d printer, then had the idea of printing a drone. And that’s where the hobby started


I thought you was going to say ended :joy:

I wanted to use the printer to create something that could fly. It was a big learning curve. A Facebook 3d printing group helped (I later got kicked off for some petty reason).

@callum’s entry to and, in particular, his exit from 3D printing is still the best.


Tell us :joy:

You told me it was for sex aids :grin:

ESP 32 Cam Case

Yep I’ve seen that :+1:t2:

Wait, is this a repeat? :thinking:

No it’s a new print, it’s a different one, I checked google :joy:

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