General 3D printing chit chat

Whats confusing me is it says you have had 3 clicks on your link here but when you click it, it says youve had 25 views :thinking: So where else have you posted the link? :laughing:

Links gone down :grimacing: call tech support quick, we need the conclusion!

Scratch that is back on lol

Refresh Refresh :joy:

A new camera bracket is being printed next, to get a clearer view of the bed :grinning:

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Deano does your printer live stream too? :star_struck:

yeah it can do lol I haven’t printed anything in ages though :rofl:

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:scream: 105 :joy: :joy: :joy:


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Where are they all coming from? :exploding_head: lol

Its strangely therapeutic to watch lol

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It’s even better in real life :grinning:

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@DeanoG60 @SparkyFPV
Probably a silly question but why does it always do a fine boarder around the print before it prints the main file?

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I have set it to do that so I can see the first layer is going down ok and can make adjustments if not

@DeanoG60 clocked the Pi before to 2.1ghz

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My time with 3D printing was anything but therapeutic. I thought I was going to need therapy after it :rofl:

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Much more therapeutic watching someone else printing Callum :laughing:

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For sure, they don’t show you the parts where they are pulling their hair out and swearing at the thing. :rofl:

set and forget these days :+1:t2: lol


Wayne @SparkyFPV was already bald before he got a printer so he should be good :laughing:

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Kids and printers :scream: :scream: :scream: