General 3D printing chit chat

Looks as if you can embed the live stream directly …

EDIT: scratch that … stops after a minute or two.

Is there a badge when you’ve shown a GADC mug 50 times :thinking: :thinking:

No, but you do get another free mug :rofl:

Doesn’t appear to work for me, Chris:

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Oooo careful Rich, I hear some flood gates winding open :laughing:

It stopped working for me too.

I really need to get myself some merch :rofl:

Really ? :laughing:

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Yup, you’ve passed.

Hang on while I email you the STL file for the extra GADC mug :smiley:

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Yay, GR8, does it come in colour? :laughing:
Thank You

Printing while I work, I am printing while I work, I know I am, I’m sure I am…I’m printing while I work :joy:

there is timelapse software for octoprint that will move the bed to a specific spot every time and move the hotend out of the way take a snap at every determined layer height creating a timelapse that looks like the print is just growing out of the build plate :rofl:

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Need to adjust the camera and the print location but the direct drive bracket is printed :grinning:


Whoa :scream:

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Clever that :point_up:t2::+1:t2:


I quote “ too watch “, but no, I will not be buying one & asking a million questions :smiley: No chance !

I’ll pull up a chair & that’s it :man_running:t2::dash:

Another printing timelapse :joy:

What is that :face_with_monocle:

Another camera mount, hopefully a better angle so I’m not in the shot :joy:

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