GVC worth it?

Did you not use the GADC exclusive discount code in the Members Only category? :scream:


@PingSpike Ah not sure what my membership level or entitlement was when I booked the course but I admit I didn’t check

I have a Mavic Air 2s, currently doing the CoFC to allow me less restrictions during the transition period. However I understand come 2022 I will only be allowed to fly in the A3 category which I don’t want. Will it be worth me getting my GVC now instead as the course is at a good price of £149? Will this allow me alot more flexibility flying the legacy drone?

What do you think will happen to my drone, will DJI be able to back certify it?

Its only going to get lower

It has been said there will be no retro certifying, but who knows


@ResilienceUAV Hi just wondering how your GVC course went …Alan

Still in process. Not easy to do along side working full time in the NHS and 4 children haha.

The content is really good though and the support group is really helpful.

@ResilienceUAV I’m just glad you got the benefit of the discounted price …good luck with the remainder of the course …Alan

Thanks buddy, I appreciate it very much. :blush:

If you want to fly for fun then there is article 16 join a flying club. It’s lot cheeper for about the about the same exemptions 15m take off 30m bubble away from uninvolved people 5 mill hobby insurance included only down side is no good for work and in a built-up area you have to do a risk assessment they are easy.

It’s not much harder than the A2CoC, but then you’ve got to factor in the practical flying test, just watch the videos in the resource file (if you’re doing it with UAVHUB) and do it with a GPS only drone (Mavic series etc). That way you haven’t got to worry about keeping the drone in place. Best advice anybody can give you is “practice, practice, practice” until it’s natural to you, especially the nose in stuff.
Good luck!


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Thanks John.

Yep not looking forward to the tests the theory due to dyslexia and the practical because I don’t do well in tests/assessments :rofl:

Will keep ploughing through the course and I will keep practicing when the weather/life allows. :blush:

The practical involves you doing some movements (forwards and backwards in a straight line) in various attitudes (nose in, facing you, facing left, facing right). Then you do a square, first one way around, then the other. Next you’ll do a “racetrack” (oval) pattern one way then the other, followed by a figure of eight again one way and the other. You’ll do a simulated emergency where you have to show that you can land safely in the case of a motor fire etc. with an exercise where you take the drone out to about 500 meters (or as far as you can safely see it) show you’ve still got positional and directional awareness and return it to the landing point. All you’ve got to do is follow the instructions in the resource file (honestly). Easy peasy!

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Thanks buddy, will have a look and make sure i am prepared haha.

I live in Bournemouth so the risk assessment is more relevant to me. I fly in build-up area and can’t be forgotten if its required

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That why I mention it because it is important if required

Totally agreed, no reason not to do one for any flight. I saved the template, after a few adjustments to Google sheets as a Master, just duplicate that ( copy the sheet ) and rename from Master copy (or whatever) to the date of the flight. Fill in time/ date/ flight details and same. 2 minutes tops.


GVC doesn’t do anything on its own. It’s just the basis for an Operational Authorisation, which I think the CAA charge about £200 a year for.


I totally get this, I may or may not get an OA but having done the GVC the possibility is there to join on to someone else’s OA. Also wanting to get back in to SAR and UAV stuff might be a good way if I am already “qualified”


So GVC Theory booked for tomorrow.

Flight test at some point in the next 12 months probably in Stoke so I can do the lowland rescue assessment at the same time.


You’ll ACE it mate, if you’ve done the A2 CoC, its near enough the same, just another 10 questions (5 minutes).
One of the areas that they ask what you going to do with the Operational Authorisation, is Search and Rescue, so should fit your needs to a T.
Just keep practicing the movements in your Resource centre (if you’ve done it with UAVHUB) such as squares, circles, figure of 8s and the flight test will be no problem either.
Good luck!