Hello from London Town

Hi! I joined a while ago but not sure I said hello! So… hello everyone! I have a Mavic Air since a few months and gradually getting braver with it, flying higher/further etc. Also I got a little Trello! As it’s classified as a toy and under the weight class for the main air regulations thought it would be a bit of fun to learn some flying patterns without fear of breaking rules - esp in London. It’s new so haven’t used it much.
Christian (@thepastamaster)


Hi Christian … I was wondering where you’d vanished to. :wink:


Hello and welcome Christian.

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I’m here :raising_hand_man:
I’ve been enjoying the forum and reading articles through the email digest which is great… but had forgotten my login! Remembered it this morning so… am “back back” :smiley:


Cheers!! :smiley:

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Doing my moderator bit ……

If you haven’t already, take a look at the Map of Members. This is a relatively new feature so not everyone is on there as yet, but I’m sure there are other members in your neck of the woods that will come and say Hi.

(Don’t forget to add yourself to that map : Members’ Location Map - A Guide)

Also, if you’ve not seen it, check out our map of places where members have flown that might be of assistance.:

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Brilliant!! I just added myself to the Map :+1:t2:


There’s still a serious lack of dronage on your Instagram account, though. :wink:

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Ha!! I know!! I’m working on it though!

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Hi there @thepastamaster and welcome to Grey Arrows :smiley:

I spent many a weekend wasting my pocket money in the Arndale Centre in the 80s, is it still there???

Good to know people find them useful :+1:

If you get a moment Christian, please do take part in our polls too!

Welcome once again mate!


Hi Christian, welcome to GADC.

Good to have you with us.

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Hello and welcome.

I’m down in London quite often - I’ll send you a msg next time I’m in town. Isn’t there a spot in Richmond Park that’s supposed to be drone friendly? Might be worth checking out?

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Hi @thepastamaster and welcome to GADC :wave:

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Hi I’m in west London. Am keen to try the spot in Richmond Park. Let me know when ur here.

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Hi christian.
Welcome from a newbie drone pilot. I’m actually a stills photographer and bought the M2P to give me a different angle… which it is certainly doing!

Where in London are you? I know it’s not a very drone-friendly place overall, though where I am in West London is easier than central as long as you avoid LHR.

Am also keen to try Richmond Park spot.


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Cheers @PingSpike :smiley:
Ah yes the Arndale is still there. It’s changed it’s name now and had a few coats of paint, but still very Arndale’esque!!

I’ve voted on both now. Thanks!!


Thank you Callum!

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Hi there @thepastamaster from another Mavic Air owner. I lived in Ealing for quite a few years but I guess its even more built up now. Quite a bit of open green bits there though.
Enjoy your flying.

Hi @thepastamaster. A belated welcome to the club. I’m just out to the west of London, very near Heathrow (and yes, I’m keeping my head down right now!). Flying sites in this part of the world a few and far between but there are some around.

Like you I also have a Tello (Trello is a very useful productivity app :wink:) which is a fantastic little drone for flying around indoors and outside on very calm days.

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Hello and welcome ,or welcome back?

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