My name is Paul and I am a Mavic Pro pilot living on the east side of the river in Liverpool.
I am a keen amateur photographer and have been getting into video recently and bought the Mavic so I could get a new view of the world. A lot of my flying is over water so I am always interested in water retrieval ideas - hopefully to be never used !
I am not sure about our City Council’s policy regarding drone flying in public spaces such as parks. Several years ago I owned one of the first Phantoms and I used to fly that frequently in Sefton Park without a problem, other than sometimes attracting a friendly crowd of onlookers. I suspect it would be different if I tried again now sadly. Despite being quite close to the airport there is a good little field near where I live and I can fly without being hassled by anyone. I have found it a great place to practice my flying and camera skills.
I would very much like to do some filming down at the Pier Head and specifically of some of our iconic buildings like the Three Graces. I don’t think it would be a good idea to just turn up and fly but if there is anyone else locally who would also fancy it then get in touch please. My Idea is to approach the Tourist Office at the council and try to get official permission to film early in the morning when it is quiet. We would have to complete a risk assessment etc etc but if they granted permission we could offer them royalty free use of our footage and also put it on a stock photography site where anyone could purchase rights to use it for a modest sum. The motivation would be to get pleasure from flying round some of the most famous buildings in the world and hopefully also get some great images rather than make money from doing it. I don’t want to appear unfriendly but anyone who fancies joining in would need to be a reasonably experienced pilot. I think it would be likely that the council would send an observer and we would not want to be seen crashing into the Liver birds ;). I have not had my Mavic for very long so am not more than at intermediate level in terms of flying skills so please don’t think I am only looking for experts - just anyone who has a drone that can fly safely and reliably at a distance of 50m from a building. Saying that, if you are a less than fully confident newbie you would be more than welcome to come along and watch if you fancied it.
I was recommended to come here by a guy from the Mavic Pilots forum called Brian. His user name there is choo choo but I do not know what he uses here. So a big thank you to him for the intro.
Anyone who wants to get in touch please have no hesitation