Hi From Northumberland

Hi all

Thanks for the invite to join.

Haven’t got a drone yet, I had a Phantom 4 but sold it unused due to lack of time. I have now ordered a magic 2 pro and eagerly await its arrival. I am looking at the possibility of commercial use in my business so to that end will be looking to get my PfCO early next year.

Do you have any members in the Northumberland/Tyne & Wear/ Cumbria areas?


Hi, Ken, and welcome to GADC.

We already have a few M2P owners here, so you are amongst good company.
Some of the results trickling out for these individuals shows the camera to be worthy of all the hype.

Take a look at the Map of Members. This is a relatively new feature, and I’m sure there are far more members in your neck of the woods that will come and say Hi.

(Don’t forget to add yourself to that map : Members’ Location Map - A Guide)

There are a few of us looking at (thinking about) getting PfCO at some point, and there’s a GADC discounts on PfCO training from one company that we are trying to get about 6 members together to benefit from their superb offer.

Also, there is another … 3iC Online PfCO Training Course - Exclusive GADC discount worth looking at for online training toward the PfCO.


Pretty part of the world you’ve got for drones. Bamburgh Castle, Lindisfarne, Berwick walls. You could have lots of fun.

Welcome Ken.
Keep us posted with the M2P, look forward to some pics/footage

Hi Ken
Welcome to the madhouse
Hope you like your new toy and don’t be afraid of using it
You tube is a great place to get ideas and to familiarise yourself with the Mavic
but there is nothing like flying yourself just remember be safe

depending on what you will be using iPad iPhone or an android some useful software you can use are as follows and get on your phone while you wait for it to arrive
I am sure others will add or recommend other apps too

Nats Drone assist …this will identify airports etc no fly zones on maps
UAV Forecast …This will give you a 24hr weather forecast for wherever you plan on flying

and of course the DJI go4 app for your drone



Thanks everyone for the welcome. I hope to get the drone early October. Being totally new to this all advice is welcome, Ive already been trawling youtube etc. for inspiration.

As PaperCrane says I live in a beautiful part of the country, I’m originally from Streatham in South London and moved here from Kent in 1992, I could never go back. I have some wide open and quiet places within a 15 minute drive where I can go and get some flying practice, so hopefully I’ll be ready to do my PfCO by March or April next year.

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Hi @Megalot and welcome to Grey Arrows, glad you could join us :+1:

Blimey mate, where did you order it from? I didn’t think the lead times were that high? :thinking:

Small world Ken, I used to live on Streatham Road in Mitcham back in the late 90’s :smiley:

By the way, if you’ve not seen it yet, check out our map of places to fly:

Welcome once again mate :smiley:

Hi Ken, welcome to the greatest source of info ( well, this side of the Atlantic, anyway!)
And a big welcome from all the boys !.
You may find a trip into our Members Area helpfully ,and take look at the “ GADC Drone Information Pack”.
Lots of useful documentation for you to download and read.
Enjoy your visits with us, and looking forward to seeing some pics with the Mavic 2Pro, when it arrives !

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Ordered it from a local company, heliguy. Not over worried about the lead time as I’m busy this month and wouldn’t have the time to get out with it. This looks like a great site.

I know Mitchum pretty well, my Dad & brother were stationed there in the fire brigade, I was stationed at Clapham & Brixton.

Heading over to the where to flybsection now


Did you get the free Heliguy crash cover with it?

Seems like a good deal and I like the idea of UK service and repairs.

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Yes I did, I thought it was a good deal too. Will probably get the fly more kit as well


Fly more kit is well worth it.

The bag is superb

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Brilliant, I’ll Order one this week