Hi from SW London

Hi all, I’m new here. I bought a DJI Neo a few months ago and haven’t managed to lose it or break it yet, which is nice. I’ve been wanting to get into FPV but I don’t have anyone I can drag out with me to be a spotter so instead I’ve bought a couple of tiny whoops so I can learn by flying indoors. Obviously at the moment that mostly means crashing into lamps and digging whoops out from behind the TV cabinet but I’m sure that will improve over time. I was wondering if there are any other london based meetups or fpv pilots that wouldn’t mind a total beginner tagging along to share spotter duties. It might be fun to crash into trees and dig whoops out from behind bushes for a change.


Good afternoon @bbeesley Bill welcome along,

Keep you eye open in the Meetups or you could always arrange one of your own & see if you get any interest :+1:


Hi Bill @bbeesley and welcome to GADC :+1: :+1:


Hi @bbeesley and welcome to Grey Arrows :wave:t2:

Looking for recommendations of places to fly? Check out our interactive map on Drone Scene and please feel free to add locations of your own too :smiley:

Wondering whether you can fly a particular model of drone under particular circumstances? Check out Good 2 Go where you’ll soon find the answer :blush:

Have you seen our Members Map? You may find some pilots living near you. Feel free to add yourself to the members map too :+1:t2:

We’re a well established club with many knowledgeable members so it’s very likely that any issues you come across will have been discussed here before. Our discussion forum has very powerful search features which should help you find what you need but if you get stuck you can post a new question in the Questions & Answers category.

And finally, if you are new to drones and wondering what it’s all about, have a look at Resources for a beginner.

Welcome once again!


What area in SW london?

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Hello from sunny Blackpool.

“instead I’ve bought a couple of tiny whoops so I can learn by flying indoors. Obviously at the moment that mostly means crashing into lamps and digging whoops out from behind the TV cabinet”

I’ve done that with both my Neo & mini2se.:sunglasses:


Welcome @bbeesley :wave: :wave:

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Hi from a former Wimbledon’er :wave:t2:


Welcome @bbeesley

What’s your website about ?

Wandsworth, so I’m inside the restricted airspace for the heliport at battersea

Yeah, I started flying round the house with the Neo but I had no idea to begin with how much harder it was going to be in acro mode with a little whoop :joy:

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It’s not really about anything. I bought the domain because I wanted to use it for email so I thought I’d better do something with it. Basically it just grab’s the geolocation for every visitor and displays them on a heatmap. I don’t know a lot of people in China and Russia, apparently that’s just where the bots are.

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Yeah, I’ve seen them fly and love them. Not sure I’ve the co-ordination to fly one.

Yeah, the jury is still out on whether or not I do. On the plus side it’s pretty easy to find time to practice when I don’t even need to leave the house so that’s definitely in my favour.

To be honest I also really like tinkering with electronics, so even if I only ever manage to fly them for 30s before smashing them I’ll enjoy fixing them and rebuilding them enough to keep me trying to fly them.

There is a simulator you can practice with, I’m sure one of the fpv flyers can give you the details.

Yeah I had a go on one called uncrashed that I got on steam. I guess I probably played on it for a few hours over the course of about a week while I waited for the first drone to arrive. I think it helped a little bit, but everything was way easier on the sim. Partly because there’s so much open space so you don’t crash into the ceiling all the time, but partly it just doesn’t feel like a realistic level of gravity. On the sim you can just do flips and rolls incredibly easily, when I try to do it IRL I just seem to end up slamming into the floor. Maybe I need to try the sim again after having done a little bit of real life flying, or maybe I just need a better sim.

Hi just looked back through my notes the sim I was recommended was Liftoff.

You are not alone. The muscle memory does get better over time.

I am in Morden. Often fly either Morden Park and Knockholt.