Really new to the hobby and still learning, but looking forward to reading others experiences and maybe a get together with other locals.
Hi Alec,
Just been checking out the specs on the SG906, nice bit of kit.
I have even less experience than you. (just opened the box, not even flown it yet)
Also I am about 175 miles away, but I hope some more experienced members meet up with you.
Happy trails
The dream, one of my favourite places to fly
Hi Alec welcome to the madhouse your future daily drone drug
Keep saying I’ll get up early one morning and have a fly round it looks quite when you took it anyway
Nice shot btw
Admin will be Along shortly with the usual paperwork and welcomes
Hi @Alecmilner from sunny Wigan!
Hi @Alecmilner from Stockport I’m originally from Appleton Thorn love the pic
Nice one @Alecmilner there are some really good photo sites in Warrington we will have to meet up sometime I have been through the locks many times, there is a point where you can line all the bridges up I took a pic many years ago just camera then don’t have it now, also took one of a submarine going under Warburton Toll bridge, I get over to Anglesey when time permits, You obviously have an eye for good shots well done look forward to seeing more
Hi there, I’m based in Sale, Cheshire; I was over in Warrington flying my Mavic Zoom last Sunday, I agree, it would be good to share locations and meet up!
Hi Alec / @Alecmilner, and (a belated) welcome to GADC.
From our records, it would appear that you are our only SG906 owner! But you are no less welcome because of that.
If you haven’t already, take a look at the Map of Members and you’ll see there are a few other members in your neck of the woods, some of whom I’m sure will come and say Hi.
(Don’t forget to add yourself to that map : How to add yourself to the Members Map )
The forum’s search functions are a very efficient way to find previous threads and posts that might already have covered topics in which you are interested in learning more or answer that niggling question but, when this doesn’t turn up what you’re after, there’s a wealth of knowledge amongst the members, so ask away over on #questions-and-answers.
Also, if you’ve not seen it, check out our map of places where members have flown in the past … which, obviously, doesn’t necessarily mean they are still OK to fly and, as always, any pilot needs to check that everything’s OK before flying at any of them.
Please also take a moment to look at the Membership Levels section on our FAQ .
Welcome aboard!