Interesting NOTAMs / Flight Reports / temporary flight restriction zones



Navigation Warning

Yellow zones indicate regions where operation of your drone may raise security, privacy or safety concerns.

This piece of airspace is in effect between Surface and 610ft MSL

Navigation Warning
This is a temporary Navigation Warning, it indicates a possible hazard to aerial traffic in the region indicated.

Active Now
Active: Friday, August 12, 2022 12:00:00 PM until Saturday, August 13, 2022 10:00:00 PM (UTC).

Full NOTAM Text
Q) EGTT/QWULW/IV/BO/AW/000/007/5319N00229W001 A) EGCC B) FROM: 22/08/12 12:00 C) TO: 22/08/13 22:00 E) UAS SWARM OPR WI 0.5NM RADIUS OF 531927N 0022903W (ARLEY HALL, NORTHWICH, CHESHIRE). SWARM COMPRISED 100 UAS. MAX HGT 400FT AGL. FOR INFO 07970 017256. 2022-08-0340/AS2 LOWER: SFC UPPER: 610FT AMSL


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Is 100 tiny drones enough for a light show? :thinking:

Or is it a swarm of a far more impressive nature?

That mobile number shows up on an awful lot of Google search results :thinking:

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They seem to be drone or pyrotechnics related though. So fully in line with an events business of that type of nature.

Wow! Has anyone else seen the NOTAMs for Balmoral over the next few days, it’s epic!

  1. J3231/22: Temporary restricted area activated

I don’t think I have ever seen one that extensive and detailed.

Much nicer way to view it

Except the parameters of the visibility v zoom levels prevent one seeing the whole extent in one view. :laughing:

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It’s a heck of a size!

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Someone in London did a “Hold my beer” at that news…

The London restriction zone is some 17nm x 13nm, not below 2,500f and all prior permission UAS flight clearances are cancelled.

Seems very very excessive. That said, DJI Geo wont pick it up so i suspect plenty of people will be flying illegally without realising.

The London one might make more sense if there’s going to be a shit load of foreign dignitaries flying in for the funeral?

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Possibly. But then they’ll fly down standard corridors to/from airports.

Dont really see the sprawling metropolis of “Sanderstead” or “Ewell” getting many VIPs.

They always arrive and travel via standard charted heli routes.

Then again given the NOTAM contains multiple typos including in the heading (EESTRICTED AREA) i guess it was issued in a hurry with little or no thought.

And then have choppers taking them to X, Y and Z.

Again thats normal. They;re only taken to a few places and again on narrow corridors (for ATC deconfliction, SAR and security reasons).
Large numbers of VIPs visiting london isnt that rare - there are well established procedures and routes for it.

Will be interesting to see the influence the US Sect Service have when their walking corpse arrives - in the US theres a 30 mile no drone zone around him at all times.

Pretty sure these restrictions are based on nothing more than a few guys panicking, realising they need to ban drones and just drawing a massive circle on a map quickly and without much thought.

The last US president to visit had several HUGE NOTAM … not in usual places.


The one you posted isn’t a circle.

US is a 15 mile exclusion zone and another 15 of special procedures on top.

Caused chaos when Trump blocked off half of Florida or Biden almost all of Rhode Island for weeks on end.

Id expect them to make similar demands here (and expect our lot to cave in without a fight and issue it).
One difference is DJI Geo does pick up the FRZs in the states and prevent takeoff. It doesn’t in the UK. Can guarantee there’ll be lots of people flying illegally whilst totally unaware because the drone says its fine.

I find it strange that they can issue these ridiculous restrictions without any challenge, or any need to justify them. I understand and fully support the requirement to keep these people safe, but I can see no justification for the ludicrous scale of these NFZs

Its excessive and just looks like a knee jerk reaction. “Its only drones, nothing important. Just ban them from everywhere”.

There is an airspace access appeal ( Airspace access reporting | Civil Aviation Authority ) but that wont do anything short term.

The restriction isn’t just drones though :person_shrugging:


CAA have published airspace restrictions for the duration of the Queen’s funeral.

The details can be found in

This will be followed later this week by a separate NOTAM to cover central London and Windsor for the rest of 19 September. We will publish available links to information on the restrictions at