It’s a giant boot heel forever crushing the Stockbrokers of Surrey.
I suspect a lot of that in that its easier to issue a NOTAM for a certain radius from a centre location than it is to actually bother giving coordinates for a bounding box.
They aren’t NOTAMs, they are drone operator flight plans.
But your reasoning for their size was also what i concluded.
Strange there was absolutely nothing for the Round the Island Race, a couple of weeks ago.
Might be something as simple as a different company contracted and different procedures.
More of a statistical expectation that with well over 1,000 Round the Island entries, and the course being close to shore at all times, that there wasn’t at least 1 flight report by anyone, private or professional logged for the whole day of the race at any point along its course.
This is a notice for a non NOTAM that I’m really surprised about?
Rewind Festival starts tomorrow in Perth at Scone Palace. For those of you that don’t know, Scone Palace used to be the crowning place of Scottish Kings and Queens before Edward 1st came up here in 1296 and stole the Stone of Destiny from us. It’s now home to the Earl of Mansfield and very surprisingly the event this weekend has no NOTAM. Plus it’s just outside the FRZ for Scone Airport (otherwise known as Perth Airport, even though it’s in Scone, and not Perth) So unless any of you guys can see a reason for me to not fly, I might just get the batteries charged!!!
Looking forward to seeing some pics Darren
Amazing there’s no NOTAM for this TV chopper pissing about at 250ft …
And the race doesn’t even start until tomorrow!
It continues …
Edit: Down to 75ft … ADS-B Exchange - track aircraft live
Just don’t fly over any crowds
Piss take…
Area still clear, weather is looking good for flying. Been checking core paths and maintained public spaces in the area so plenty of TOAL spots. Only problem is my intended TOAL can be very busy with the local bucky brigade!!!
Almost glad the weather stopped me heading here. It’s still playing silly-billies at low level without having put out a NOTAM.
I wonder how the pro-drone fliers are handling its antics?
Buckfast and Mad Dog 20/20 drinkers. They use Woody Island to hide from their parents while they get trashed. Whilst I’m a grown man and can look after myself, I can’t fight more than a couple at a time, I’m getting old!!!.
No teenagers today though, the site has been taken over by some ( a lot of) travellers. I’m never one to tar all with the same brush, but I wasn’t leaving my work van unatended with thousands of pounds of tools in it, and then walking accoss their makeshift campsite with 5k of camera and drone equipment on my back. I shall find another way tomorrow, it’s just a longer walk and I’m a lazy bastard!
Thanks for the explanation and for the record i will tar all with the same brush, you did right not to show anything of value.
I have a vague recollection that it might be something to do with HMS Prince of Wales sailing past the area this morning?
Yes she’s currently at anchor off Rosyth… She seems to be dedicated to NATO ops these days, when actually functioning properly!