Lift off fail.. first build

Right, so I’ve just taken the FC off my stack and have it held as far away from everything else as possible and done the same test and it works fine. So some sort of interference I think. The PDB is mounted beneath the FC. Need some sort of insulation perhaps? All I had around it was kapton tape I had assumed the almost 1cm between them would be sufficient

Why do you have a pdb? For the esc power wires? I can’t do zoom as I have no cam or mic :laughing:

Scratch that. I see why you have one.

Have you setup angle mode switch and tested.

Combination of factors really…

  1. Lack of access to parts on the couple of sites I was using, and trying to mix them together to work. Matek was most available so I thought would alleviate some problems. Fancy ribbon cable between PDB and FC was nice (though I hate ribbon cables generally)
  2. Lack of experience?
  3. First 6S, wanted to be able to replace the ESCs if I blew one
  4. Mildly concerned about all the voltage requirements so I’ve got the VTX on the PDB
    This is my general wiring setup, though I’ve taken the buzzer and LEDs off that was the first thing I did when I was having problems

The vcc is going to your vtx right?
I’ll have to read up, but the fc needs an vcc supply too.

Yep that’s right, per the diagram above really. I was concerned after some reading that the ribbon cable wouldn’t handle it.


Your fc might be crapping out then

Team Viewer is great for this and its free for Personal use

Does this render this idea a no-go or do you still recommend trying? I have wires ready to go.

After changing to Oneshot125 did you do an ESC calibration ??

I believe you are correct. I’m used to different fc’s

Yes it does,take a wire from lipo positive to the VCC pad on FC

I’ve looked. Try a wire from the 5v on the pdb (and ground) to a 5v and ground on the fc. Just in case when you moved the fc to get it working, it showed up a dodgy ribbon cable, like you guessed.


No, admittedly I have not done that. Now that we’ve seen the gyro noise on powering up the rotors do we really think that would be it? I can give it a go (once I learn how)

Roger, wilco

Yes, it may be why some motors start later than the others, you’re looking for all motors to start at the same level.

and Lipo positive to VCC, very important :smiley:

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Tried, no difference.

I’ll look into this ESC calibration thing before I go ahead and mount the FC on the top of the drone :smiley:


Doesn’t seem to be a distance from the PDB/ESC issues, I tried mounting on really high stand offs and still had the problem, it seems to be the slightest vibrations and the yaw starts to show spinning wildly. FC dead?