Lost my drone during a speed attempt

Went back out to the fields today, not Ogbourne St George (which was yesterday), but near Barbury Castle - where it reconnected the first time I got there. I purchased Litchi today and created a few missions, which I flew this afternoon using my M2P.

A total of 18.4 KM flown and 2,666 photos taken :camera:

Just finished reviewing them :face_with_spiral_eyes: and I couldnā€™t find anything :confounded:


Been following this link and gutted for you that you havenā€™t found it yet, especially after all the effort youā€™ve put in.
And thatā€™s a lot of photos to review!


I wonder how many man hours have been spent on the hunt? Including those people in the field and those people reviewing media online?

This has to be the most searched-for drone, ever?


Any thoughts on the next field over?


And the biggest round ever :beer: :beers: :clinking_glasses: :cocktail: :wine_glass: :wink: :joy:


Your Mrs will start thinking youre having an affair with the farmer at this rate lol I have to say Im impressed with your determination Chris :clap:t2: Have you heard anything back from DJI about a replacement yet? Would be great if you manage to find it even if just for a trophy

Chris may become the first person to lose his wife because his drone fleet had reduced by one, rather than increased!



Thats a good shout Dave. All the guestimates so far work on the premise that the drone was descending and drifting at the last known rates. But when it disconnected it would have gone back into Normal mode so drifting faster and probably a slower rate of descent in auto landing mode too


Sorry that you havenā€™t had any luck yet Chris ā€¦ looking on the positive side your CV can now include farm land surveying! :+1: :+1:

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I have been out searching 7 times now. The shortest trip (door to door) is just over 3 hours, the longest 6 hours. Plus then there is Daveā€™s time, heā€™s been out twice - and he lives a heck of a lot further away. And as mentioned, thereā€™s everyone else whoā€™s helped analyse the data, and review the footage, come up with ideas, etc.

One things for sure, unless the cost of a manhour is about 23p ā€¦ it would have been cheaper to buy a new drone :joy:


And tomorrow evening, itā€™ll be ā€¦ what about the next field over :rofl:

Coincidentally, I walked through it twice today. And it is flat with very short grass, making visibility very good. I found a better parking spot too, where the green dot is. Just in a lay-by on tarmac! Alas, despite searching on my walk there and back, I saw nothing that resembles a Mini 2.

  • Yellow: Mini 2 flight before losing connection
  • Red: Searched area
  • Pink: Litchi mission today
  • Blue: Walk from/to the car today
  • Green: Car location

This map may help. If you or others are suggesting that it is possible for the Mini 2 to decend from 68m, and travel more than 1 KM in the process - then I should probably go and check out that field North of the 1 KM marker. The thin field that runs above that is full of sheep - and I mean ā€˜fullā€™. Sods law, itā€™s vecroā€™d itself onto one of them :sheep: :flushed:


Justifying that it might be that far is probably mostly supported by it not being where most people thought it would be. Running out of alternatives.

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Probably didnā€™t help when I told my Mrs what the farmerā€™s wife looked like then :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Nought yet mate

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A lot would depend on its actual descent speed under those conditions i.e. self initiated descent after disconnect.

According to the spec sheet, maximum descent speed in N mode is 3m/s, or 1.5 m/s in C mode, but there is no guarantee that it would descend at exactly those speeds. There is also probably a delay while it decides the link has gone. I think an experiment is required e.g. take one to 60m and time how long it takes to descend when the controller is turned off - I strongly suggest this is not done on a windy day :wink:

Then multiply by windspeed to get ( yet another ) predicted landing spot

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That rules me out of the test then :wink:

Sounds like a decent plan to me!

I found this screenshot from before take off last Friday. It was a tad windy.


A thought - the disconnect - if it was a mid-air reboot, it would maintain height and position (in the experience I had with my MP - that was in almost still air), but this was 35+mph windy, and it would have drifted before starting a descent on disconnect.

Just another speculative thought for the melting pot.


That is for 400ft, though. It was down to 185ft / 65m agl at the time of the disconnect,


Is the distance from the disconnect being over thought / over estimated here? :thinking:

Chris, I think you said the drone was set to descend on disconnect?

These Mini 2 drones have some serious brakes for their size.

If it was going full pelt and disconnected itā€™d apply the brakes with as much power as it could muster. And if it had switched back to P in order to descend itā€™d also be fighting any storms winds with all its might in order to go directly downwards in P mode and not drift away-and-downwards :thinking: :man_shrugging:t2:

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