Lost my drone during a speed attempt

I think what it’ll give us is the furthest distance it is likely to have gone after the disconnect if it was unable to fight the wind

The problem is, the potential area it might have landed as a result of an immediate descent has been covered by foot several times, and by drone camera also.

As a result, one has to look further afield - but only if there’s a reasonable logic to it being there. Otherwise it all becomes totally random.

The biggest spanner in any logic is the missing 11 minutes between the 3rd from last and second from last lines of the log followed by a location 6km away in the last line.

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I appreciate GPS was turned off! but if it was set to hover and descent, maybe it’s not as far away as we think!

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As I just mentioned …

I even extended the search UPwind and CROSSwind, for 150m … in case.

At 3 m/s, Decent >= 22 seconds …

  • At 35 mph wind, drift >= 345m
  • At 40 mph wind, drift >= 394m
  • At 45 mph wind, drift >= 443m

At 2 m/s, Decent >= 33 seconds …

  • At 35 mph wind, drift >= 516m
  • At 40 mph wind, drift >= 590m
  • At 45 mph wind, drift >= 663m

At 1 m/s, Decent >= 65 seconds …

  • At 35 mph wind, drift >= 1016m
  • At 40 mph wind, drift >= 1162m
  • At 45 mph wind, drift >= 1307m

In the last second before disconnect, it was decending at just over 7m/s. Not sure how long it takes to switch to N mode after disconnect.


Correct. And confirmed by the logs.


That extra area to 1,500m isn’t an unjustified option, then.

Hmmm …


All I see here is “one mile in a cone shape” :scream:

Most of it has been covered - in the extrapolation from it’s last good position, height and direction it was moving.

Broadening the cone and extending it are “logical” next steps.

You know when you drop a small item on the floor, and after thinking ‘it can’t possibly have gone far’ you eventually find it twice as far away as you thought it could possibly go…


“Bouncing” an additional 500m is quite a bounce! :stuck_out_tongue:

Another consideration is why did it disconnect

Was there a fault

@clinkadink said he had a error message before takeoff

At these wind speeds 249g would travel some distance, more so if the props are not rotating

As Chris will confirm, when you are stood there, and walking about the area, the first copse of thicket and trees just shouts at you that it will be where it is.

But, jeez, we’ve trawled that place from inside and out, probably as many as 8 times.

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How would it stay up longer if the props aren’t providing any lift?


At them wind speeds it wouldn’t need any lift it would be just a piece of debris lifted and carried by the wind

I don’t like cones … and for that reason, I’m out :man_running::dash:



I confirm. It is got that bad now … I have dreams (nightmares :thinking:) about the place. And that is no lie.

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Reading some threads on the DJI Forum, the error seems to be related to a faulty ESC board :man_shrugging:

Most often occurs after the drone has had a crash or hard landing.

And yet its led such a quiet life.