It’s a fair comment. All I can say was that I was probably too focused on getting through the facts of the issue and anything else was out of mind.
I should probably write a script next time, but the chances of there being a next time are very slim, I broke a sweat just speaking into a mic without even having a camera to worry about.
Someone will rib you … so I’ll bite the bullet …
… which must be worthy of becoming a “proper” Member?
A very well narrated and explained video of the events, I am sure it will help others. I recall my first narration, so props to you Dave.
DJI Authorization Zones are far from accurate, they cause no end of inconvenience (and loss) for very little benefit. On the flip side, their support is first class.
I don’t use Drone Assist, being a Grey Arrows member, I find their Drone Scene service far superior, offering a lot more data, layers, etc. Plus it’s all free if you are a member Well done on the edit, liked and already subbed.
You will get no argument from me. Swindon is the armpit of Wiltshire. I hate living here and can’t wait to leave.
Perfectly decent app that does the job intended on multiple platforms.
Its not perfect but it works. And has a large user base.
The issue here anyway is DJI inventing another Auth zone which isn’t actual real so people checking the actual, legal restrictions using whatever method they want will be unaware it exists.
There is no restriction zone around HMS President [HQ of the RNR] . I emailed them and they said no problem so long as you keep 50m away.
It’s DJI themselves who have added the authorisation zone around it to their Mickey Mouse map.
I’ve flown that area enough now, I won’t be returning.
Ran into one of these restriction zones yesterday at Millenium (Principality) Stadium in Cardiff. I understand why they would want to prevent overflying on match days, crowds and tv rights, plus betting issues, but nobody was using the stadium yesterday avo/evo. Wouldn’t even let me take off from the other side of the river 50m away from the stadium!
Can’t find any map that shows them. Apparently there’s an unlocking procedure which I need to investigate, but I was under the impression that DJI geofencing no longer operated in the UK. Got caught out, something I hadn’t taken into account and wasn’t expecting, but better than being geofenced into the Taff!
How does it work? Do sites pay DJI to set them up? Isn’t it a bit unfair that somebody flying a different make of drone, say a Potensic Atom, can fly when I can’t because of an arbitrary restriction/cash cow? All questions no doubt previously asked of course.
That’s what I thought, but it stopped me from flying in Cardiff yesterday around the Millenium. Flew successfully by Castle walls, but not by the stadium. I’m obviously missing something (possibly, according to The Squeeze, a brain, and she’s often right!).
Your Fly Safe data base is probably out of date - check for updates
Shitty DJI NFZ that not been a thing for a while
Update the flysafe database
Yup, that place. Marked as a ground hazard, but that’s all, it usually has NOTAMS for big match days.
Ok, I think I’m making progress (but with the codicil that I’ve thought that before and been wrong…). I’ve powered everthing up and connected it, phone, rc, drone, and gone through all of the stuff in the dot dot dot top right hand corner of the DJI Fly app screen which I hadn’t looked at properly before and am not sure I fully understand some of. This included updating ‘Fly Safe’, which I think is the thing where the Restriction Zones live and what Kirky, milkmanchris, and Jhdee have suggested I do. There was a circle percentage progress thing that took a few minutes but apparently my Fly Safe is updated. AIUI (and, let’s be honest, I don’t, always) this means that all my Fly Safe Restriction Zones no longer exist, at least in the UK?
I won’t know if this has worked until I fly Millenium (Principality) Stadium again, as this is the only location that I know for certain a Fly Safe Restriction Zone exists/existed at. Saturday or Sunday look ok but a bit dull weather-wise for vid joe ing, but brighter conditions are available in the back half of next week, so it’ll prolly not be until then. I want to film a study of one of the support pylons, for no real reason except that that’s how we roll in my house…
But I think we’ve probably cracked it! Thanks again peoples, especially the three namechecked, for your help with this; left to my own devices I’d have been muddled and confused for weeks by it!
I get the impression that the Go Fly Restriction Zones are not the most popular thing that DJI have ever done, and I have to say they seem particularly pointless and irritating, especially as presumably they only affected DJI stuff and other makes of drones could fly in them unimpeded. Just daft. Even I know that the Millenium Stadium is a big lump sticking up into airspace that I could fly into, but the chances of me flying into it are pretty low because a) I know it’s there, I watched it being built, b) it is shown Altitude Angel-derived maps as a ground hazard, and c) since it has been built, TTBOMK it has stayed where it is and not moved about, so where I think it is is where it actually is. This makes it much easier to not bump into.
Care is needed, though. Bits of it stick out and it is flanked on the river boardwalk side by sloping pillars held in place by guy wires, all waiting to trip your drone up. The Millenium (Principality) Stadium is a dick, but no more so than other big buildings with sticky-out bits. And it’s more interesting than most of the other dicks…
In a contest between the Millenium (Principality) and the Collesium in Ancient Rome:-
.Both are about the same physical size and have similar footprints.
.Both feature(d) removable roofs.
.Both feature(d) uninterrupted sight lines from all seats.
.Both could be evacuated in about 7 minutes if needed in an emergency.
.The Collesium held about 30k more spectators than the Millenium, sitting on benches rather than individual seats.
.The Collesium did not charge an entry fee.
.The Collesium could be flooded for mock naval battles.
I make that 7-4 in favour of the Collesium. Progress? And that’s before we think about what will be left of the Millenium in 2,000 years…
Flew Millenium Stadium this avo; all that 3 dots stuff has obviously worked, because there were no issues at all, despite a game in progress in the Arms Park ground next door. Tx again for your help, guys!
Now, to get to grips with uploading video here…
Easy just post a YT link
Piece of piss
Excellent commentary, and very useful. Thank you.