MacBook - setting default app to preview .DNG files

My Win10 has trundled along merrily for more than 5 years 6 months since I bought. Makes me wonder why I do full image backups every 6 months or so. (Of course - not doing that would probably remind me instantly I stop taking them. :stuck_out_tongue:)

I reckon he’s gone bed @clinkadink he’s put himself on bed time probation :smiley:

Clingaaaaaaa ding wake up :joy:

The fact that it’s got “BEST PRICE” in the description of the amazon listing should tell you it’s being sold by a scalper :slight_smile:

Don’t want one anyway, it’s all sounding like trouble :joy:

Not at that price… they are currently as rare as rocking horse do do.


That price was for a Rpi3 too :scream:

They must be good as well as agg .

Every self-respecting tech geek should own at least one Raspberry Pi . Any Raspberry Pi can serve as a secondary computer for email and web surfing, but even the highest-end model, the Raspberry Pi 4, won’t be as fast as a low-end Windows PC.

Yep sod that, not for me

I’ll rip my Pi4 off my 3D printer and sell it for £1,000 (no negotiation on price) :+1:t2:

I want the Mini3 pro and some accessories :grin:


Can you mute people, :joy::joy::joy:

@Kirky, walk away from the Raspberry Pi or you may find yourself the sole admin and member for the site :laughing:

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100% yes.

Not fair :confused::smiley:

Edit wondered where everyone’s been :joy:

Only one :joy:

@Sparkyws i now know when you don’t get back to me for a week :grimacing::joy:

Oh yeah we can do it too :star_struck:

Don’t ignore yourself! it can’t be undone… :scream:

Don’t mute yourself, reboot takes forever ;o)