Make the elevation tool easier to use when in a restriction zone

I had a discussion with @OzoneVibe about this,

and thought I would pop it in here so you can at least consider it for future updates.

When you select the elevation tool, the cursor changes to a small cross, but as soon as you ‘enter’ a FRZ, it changes to a hand again. I could clearly turn off the layers that are ‘in the way’, but I found I had to turn off 4 or 5 to get to the piece of ground I needed to get to (and that’s not so easy on a mobile device).
I suspect that it would be easier if when I have the elevation tool selected, that should take precedence?
Additionally, would it be possible to display the elevation in feet as well as metres?

We do the elevation lookups on the fly and just display the value we get back from the third party we use. We could easily convert that number on the fly too, and display both values, yes :slight_smile:

When you select the Local Authority Tool (the last button on the right hand side) we clear the map in its entirety, then re-populate your layers when you exit the LA tool.

We could potentially do the same thing with the Elevation Tool? :thinking:

Have a play / test, let us know your thoughts :slight_smile:

I have just tried the LA tool and if the elevation tool worked like that it would be a great … for me anyway :slight_smile:

This feature request is now complete and will be available in the next version of Drone Scene :blush:

Your other request may take a little longer :blush:


Thankfully it would appear that when building the Local Authority Lookup tool, we had the good sense to create a function that makes a note of all your currently-selected layers, then clears them from the map, then puts them back again on demand:

Which means this feature request was a lot easier than expected @BudgieUK :slight_smile:

And it’s also now complete and will be included in the next version of Drone Scene :smiley:

In this screen shot, I’ve just clicked on the Elevation Tool icon to enable it (and all my layers disappear):

And when I turn off the elevation tool, my previously-selected map layers all instantly appear again :blush:

Astonishing…. I really have no idea how you do this stuff.

Thank you :pray:


You’re very welcome :slight_smile: