Mavic Air stuck in a tall tall tree, any tips?

Agreed :slight_smile:

This was one of the photos i took pre crash



Well happy you got it back fella! Defo come out for a fly up there, it’s only 2 mins away from me

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Well here’s the footage, turns out I would’ve cleared the tree but bottled it, panicked and pressed down instead of up. Lessons learned…


Don’t worry, we’ve all done it :grinning:

Gravity gets the badge for going the extra mile.

Whilst we’re talking drones and trees…

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I was just going to ask if you had a cat but now see you’ve got it back :grinning:

There’s this one tree… :roll_eyes:


And then have two drones stuck in a very tall tree!

Sorry late post, glad to see it fell out , very lucky. Though I’d like to have seen a window cleaner , or someone with a long bamboo pole get to that? Or lasso it someone said. Roy Rogers here I come.

The danger there is that the string is going to get rather close as you try to land the rescue drone with the string stuck at the top of the tree!


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Steve :slightly_smiling_face:

Sounds good :thinking: