Mavic Pro Battery - Over Voltage Repair (third LED flashing)

Just a thought,but could the battery not then be updated,via firmware update IN the drone???

That’s what a pop up on the screen said, it read:

“ run the battery down to 5% and connect to update”

Since the battery no longer powers up the drone despite being fully charge, I can’t do the above.

I’ve followed some videos on YT and also found that the eeprom rememberers the battery error…shame really…

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This is why, with every day that passes, I further grow to hate these proprietory batteries and the companies that use such tech to force premature obselesence. That is why I will only spend money on a DJI product, or any other RTF, if the price reflects the very limited usability of the product.

I know that Spark batteries are thin on the ground but I didn’t know that something as highend and popular as the Mavic Pro was simultaneously facing the same fate.

I have the exact same problem as @Njoro but with a Ceewa “Smart” battery in that I’m unable to clear the error code in the eeprom. I do have a Dataman S4 programmer but it predates the miniaturisation of these smd’s and I don’t have a programming board to fit. I do have some programming devices that solder directly to the chip so some wet Wednesday I may have another fumble around.

Re Gearbest. Don’t bother. It’s highly unlikely they actually have it physically in stock. They will take your money but they’ll leave you hanging on the off chance they can find one. If they can’t they’ll try and refund you with a credit note. I’ve experienced this myself.



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I wonder whether the Mavic 2 shares the same PCB? There seems to be far more swollen Mavic 2 batteries about, if only I could get a hold of the PCB.

I at least console myself that I’ve learnt something out of this, by the way the cells are dated 2016…

Here’s the battery reassembled…

More than likely.

I’d go as far as to say they share the same cct as the Phantom2, the first smart battery, but a different layout. I know the circuit of the board in my Ceewa battery is identical to that of the boards in my P2 batteries, they’re just a different form factor but exactly the same principle. The difference between these earlier circuits and those found in the likes of the Mavic is the timer circuit and load circuit used for the auto discharge function.


Probably not - annoyingly, that doesn’t have an auto self-discharge.

I seem to recall that came in with the P3.

And the MP wasn’t launched until Nov 2017. That’s a tad cheeky!

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That’s China for you… but we have aided and abetted…

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Was it not 2016 then M2 in 2018?

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Indeed. My mistake.

My first large usage was in Italy for 3 months in 2017. So that year and the MP go together in my head somehow. LOL!

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… which means the poor thing is approaching its 4th :birthday:

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I’m going to open that battery again and have a look, thing is I can’t remember off the top of my head when I bought it from DJI store…age!!..:rofl:

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Does the serial number decoder work on batteries?

Blank page…:thinking:

I can view it on in Chrome on my iPad, but only if I open the link in the same window. If I try to open in a separate tab it comes up blank.


Not totally sure how accurate that DJI Serial No Decoder is … the Serial No on my “new” MP Battery comes up as …


As mentioned above, I don’t know if that decoder works on batteries or only on airframes.

I guess that’s our answer.

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A P3P for £67 would have been good. All packed into a little box that happens to be the size of a MP battery would have been impressive. :wink:

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