Member YouTube & Vimeo Channels

Just subscribed to your channel and hope to watch more videos from you soon. Brilliant channel.

thanks appriecate it alot :slight_smile: shall check out your channel :slight_smile:

Just subscribed to your channel. Great content. :+1::ok_hand::+1:

Just subscribed to your channel mate. Looks brilliant. :+1::ok_hand::+1:

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Just subscribed buddy. :+1::ok_hand::+1:

Well, I have looked through all links here I think and subscribed to everyones YouTube. I believe in helping fellow YouTubers out to grow channels. I did this when into locksport to support the community.
Now into drones, I want to support the world wide drone community to help channels grow. If I have missed subscribing to any of you great members here at GADC please let me know and will subscribe.

Rich. :+1::pray::pray::+1:


Done the same for you. Really enjoyed your flight over Cottingley Tower, didn’t even feel air sick once !!

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Yes, Cottingley Towers was a good flight and done a couple as my Brother lives in the Heights. So, you did not feel air sick… May try a rising vertical spin next time to make you feel air sick.

Thanks you kindly, glad the content was enjoyed, thank you for the subscription, it is appreciated :slight_smile:

Thanks Bud! :smile::+1:t2:

Your welcome. Love this forum. I think in your thread you work in teaching ???
I work as a Security/Emergency Response Team Officer for Colleges to keep staff and students safe and being doing this for 19yrs.


Yes, I am in education, I work for a large college group, but am based remotely, for 12 years I ran their Cycle Mechanic Apprenticeship provision, but now I am the National Lead Apprenticeship Coach, so coach and support the whole Apprenticeship Team, which is a great job for me…

Subbed you back

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Cheers matey

My YouTube channel

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@BrianSmith subbed u brian, here’s my channel feel free to recipricate :+1:

DocColVideo link

Thanks mate and subbed you as well :+1:

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Subscribed. Please feel free to reciprocate at my channel

@BrianSmith subbed, please feel free to reciprocate :slight_smile:

Thanks…and has been reciprocated :+1:

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