National Trust boundary data only displaying Open Access and Limited Access

I know this is not due to Drone Scene but the data it receives. But posting here in case anyone else notices this mistmatch … or whether @PingSpike want’s to contact the data provider.

I’ve noticed that in some places, the NT boundary does not match NT own boundary map. I’ve included Stonehenge as an example below:

Drone Scene:

National Trust Land Map:

As you will see, there are considerable areas of NT land missing from Drone Scene.

Is this something that can be investigated? :thinking:

Is it covered here

Thanks Wayne, good find. I did search and find the original thread where NT layer (along with others) were added. But didn’t spot that.

This thread may as well be unlisted, as folk, including @PingSpike, are already aware.

But it may well have been forgotten about and things might have changed so worth a discussion :+1:

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OK, I will leave it listed and wait to hear back from the powers that be, cheers.

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What you’ll probably find is that DS is more up-to-date than NT. :crazy_face:


Unless, they’ve sold off a load of land, I doubt it :wink:

It was a poor (hangover) attempt at comedy, suggesting that we might know more about what a megalithic organisation owns that they do themselves … even though they are the source of the data. :stuck_out_tongue:

What layer options did you have enabled there Chris?

As above we currently only pull in Open Access and Limited Access but I see no reason why we can’t bring in other types of NT classifications data if people want it?

I forget where I said it now, but if we do bring in other NT data we’ll be grouping it all under a single “National Trust” tick box on Drone Scene. We won’t be building 101 different NT filters :blush: Can probably show each one in a different colour like we do now though, and you can click on the map layer to see what it is / why they don’t want you to fly there.


Sorry, been in work meetings.

I didn’t think to check the ESRI layers, my bad :man_facepalming:

Yes, when I change the layers to that, we’re aligned :clap:

I guess to answer that question, first I need to clarify what the NT drone policy applies to:

  • Open Access and Limited Access Land, or
  • All National Trust Land

Because ultimately, that is why we need to see the boundary on Drone Scene, to see where we can and cannot TOAL from.

It looks like the NT Drone Policy applies to all land

So wouldn’t it more accurate to show the NT boundaries of all land, instead of just open and limited access? :man_shrugging:

No probs, I wasn’t planning on making the changes today :blush:


Sure thing.

Will add it to the list :blush:

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I’m really sorry but I can’t remember who I was talking to about NT layers recently (well, some point in the last six months).

Can anyone remember? :thinking:


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See you should listen to Uncle Wayne more often :laughing:

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Just not about football :laughing:

I remember reading it but cant for the life of me remember whoor where it was

  1. Premier League
  2. FA Cup
  3. Champions of Europe

Glad you reminded me :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It was me. I was saying the same thing as Chris but in the end I decided to follow the DS boundary ‘as is’, partly because most of the NT blue area in their maps is historic and therefore does not indicate current ownership and secondly Shugborough was an example I gave where according to thier map they own half of Great Haywood, 2 private houses and farms and a bridleway. So quit honestly I thought F**k 'em! :grin: