Need some advice - desoldering.... what do you use?

been looking at desoldering stations (think hot iron sucker)… what do you use?

I’ve tended to use a soldering iron and a solder sucker but I’m looking for something a bit better (I’ve been doing the same thing for 25+ years now… thought there must be something better)

yes I have a hot air iron, and use solder wick for smts … looking for through hole solutions

what do you use

(a hakko is a bit more than I can justify)

Desoldering wick, or for through holes then a solder sucker.

if it ain’t broke don’t fix it lol

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Through the hole, I use a mixture of wick and sucker but it depends on what it is

Multi-hole then follow this

same solder sucker I’ve got on my bench :+1::+1:

thanks @SparkyFPV Wayne, I’ll check out the link

I was looking at one of these, but they seem to have mixed reviews (some ok YouTube in use demonstrations though)

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I have been training staff for many years on soldering and de-soldering PTH, surface mount and area array packages. I have included some guides which may be useful. I have also in the past produced training videos on the subjects. The best method for de-soldering PTH as has been said is a vacuum system but expensive, With practice a plunger solder sucker can be use with plated through hole but not on multilayer Bob Willis
p11Hand soldering2016.pdf (766.9 KB)
p26 SMT Rework2016.pdf (3.5 MB)

anyone used one of these smelting irons with a sucker…

was wondering if it could be improved upon with some temperature control… always a bit dubious with an iron that just gets hotter and hotter…

if you want a laugh (I was not!), I soldered up the servo header on a SpeedyBee f405 wing… followed by a few other connections for other stuff jumpered off the board… plugged it in and (you guessed it!). the header pins were on the wrong side of the board…:person_shrugging::person_facepalming::rofl:

all sorted now…

We’ve all done it :joy: