"No Drones" signs everywhere


Perhaps the GADC Challenge Committee could run a challenge to take drone photos of the No Drone posters :joy::joy::joy:


Im also new to drones and have become rather unsure about the laws etc, mostly concerning flying over private land etc. I’ve read loads of posts on the forum and its rather confusing. I did find this quite useful tho, but i am by no means a drone expert, i crashed my drone into a pond on my third flight.


Hopefully the links work. Ultimately I’ve decided that as long as I’m not being an idiot, or doing stupid things with the drone, no one will really be that bothered about it. I hope :joy:

Good to have an awareness of the law tho

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As long as there is no Flight Restrictions in place over the land, the land owner has no control of the air space above their land so you’re lawfully aloud to fly over it.

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Thank you, that is very interesting - I will read it and digest tonight :blush:

This is where I think we all end up. We start by worrying about everything. Also if you do think that you may have broken or bent the laws a little… Don’t post it to social media


Drone code could easily be condensed to 2 lines

(A) Don’t be a dick
(B) Stay away from Facebook if you break (a)


It has been mentioned :wink:
But quickly forgotten about.
It was deemed that an officially run comp of this sort might bring unwanted attention and also make the club look irresponsible.


VLOS was the main reason I posted this -

I am still not convinced that camouflage grey is the best colour for a drone …

My eye sight is pretty good and can generally spot my Mini 2 at a fair distance AS LONG as I don’t take my eyes off it to look at the controller screen then it is normally lost against the sky, but let’s be honest VLOS and looking at the screen go hand in hand with safely flying and being aware of the landscape and other aircraft etc. that may be within our quite “small” area that we can reasonably safely fly in and enjoy our hobby. The common sense that we are mostly blessed with is paramount when flying and anyone that relies solely on either VLOS or the controller screen is I would say being rather naive in their approach and is likely to face criticism or questioning by the authorities should things go wrong. Geeksvana recently highlighted two court cases, one involving a guy who flew a waypoints mission at a height of 1500 feet and a distance of up to four miles, and then posted the footage online! Clearly a fool and obviously an extreme example. I don’t think any of us can say they have never exceeded the CAA rules in one way or another, but I’m guessing and hoping that it would have been done with all the rules etc. in mind and largely respected.
All we can do is fly responsibly and fingers crossed all will be well.
As for wrapping the drone in neon colours (yellow in my case) I don’t find it makes a great deal of difference unless you are quite close, once a distance away it just looks grey again.
Fly safe guys and enjoy.

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I stayed away from this as it’ll probably be blamed claimed “ oh I thought it was a clay pigeon “ when it gets shot out the sky :smile:

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Flying through an active clay pigeon shoot…as long as VLOS is maintained then you’ll be fine! :joy:

I don’t think I have Chris, ( there again my memory becomes a bit fuzzy after a few pints) apart from looking at my screen occasionally ( which we are all guilty of whether it’s to frame a shot or alter camera/ flight settings)
Just imagine if we all flew camera drones but didn’t have a screen ? There’d be a few videos on YouTube that were fantastic and gazillions that didn’t get past the editing stage. :joy::joy::joy::joy:

It’s how a lot of us started.

Strap a GoPro on and hope

Ahh, no wonder Hollywood directors have so many takes of the same scenes of movies :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Heh. Control of drone under influence of alcohol another no no… In a NOTAM that ok at an arranged meet by the largest UK forum for drone flyers…? Hmmm…

wouldn’t explain the definition of A though

seeing some of the drone / morality police and armchair controller comments on here of late I’m getting the feeling that Facebook is loosing some of its membership or there is not enough of content B so the righteous have popped up over here to debate whether or not those found guilty of A have been sentenced too leniently or if the death penalty should be reintroduced by public execution of being hung drawn and quartered is about right for flights over 50m and beyond visual line of sight.

probably want to consider a forum validation membership question asking if they are active Facebook users and then then put them on a waiting list for membership or post validation



I think the guy I mentioned was fined £500 plus court costs, seems quite appropriate/reasonable considering he could have endangered an air ambulance or similar on his route.

Could have? You can see the air 3 miles away he’d have had great vision if a helicopter flew into that… Brought it straight down lol. Not saying it’s right (it’s not). But people doing 40mph in 30s near schools daily endanger kids everyday and get 3 points and 80 quid fine.

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