My forecast looks ok, tbh we are going anyway, planning on being at Wigg park for 7am, then on to Beacon Park afterwards…
Anyone who wants to join us would be welcome
Breakfast at Beacon Park Cafe - opens at 1000…
My forecast looks ok, tbh we are going anyway, planning on being at Wigg park for 7am, then on to Beacon Park afterwards…
Anyone who wants to join us would be welcome
Breakfast at Beacon Park Cafe - opens at 1000…
We are still coming and will be there around 7am
Will be good to see you
not sure about wigg island, I have parental duties as wife working but hopefully will be at beacon park and I may be able to drag 1 child along. (12 and 14 would you believe… gawd I was at boarding school at age 6, left home at 17 and had a job after college and Saturdays…(every generation moans about the next))
batteries are all charged, the FPV plane is not ready yet though… maybe next time (I’m customising and faffing about)
No worries, will be good to see you, all batteries are charged here too
Just got here, perfect conditions
For anyone coming along we are in the cafe for breakfast, flying again from the area near the bench, about 100m from the entrance, take the hugher path… Conditions are perfect, but it is wet and muddy underfoot, do boots or wellies…
Thanks Ladies & Gentlemen for a lovely morning which was also my first time intentionally watching a sunrise for a quite a while. Great to see ya’ll again.
that was a good meet, enjoyed the chin wag and breakfast in a barm
once I’ve recovered the memory stick from the FPV I’ll post my crash of the day and dent in the embankment…
I’m not saying nothing about other err… lost drones… but all were found in the end
found a new spot onsite with a bit of stone and way way less mud!!! gawd that was a quagmire today!!!
other than some new props (3/4) for the FPV no damage to report (still cleaning mud and hillside from the canopy)… 100% pilot error… too fast into an embankment rising too quickly
We had a great time, the weather was very kind to us, and a really great location.
Flew my mini 3 pro with the goggles for the first time, thanks to Rob for helping me pair it.
Thanks all for coming… I promise next time not to crash the AVATA 3 times - once into a hill not going up fast enough (pilot error), once hitting a dock stem (the previous one disappeared when I flew at it, but the bigger ones need to be avoided) and finally a 30mph tree hit at about 40’ - the tree jumped out at me, honest gov!
Thanks Rob, Eric, Nic and Lee for helping find the AVATA twice - which on the final crash was 50’ away form the impact point in the field, thankfull unharmed - I think when it hit the ground it landed side on and cartwheeled over the field, which is why the bumper guards were spread out in a line!
Thankfully no damage done - apart form my pride - and a lot of fun, some good footage of the sunrise at Mersey Gateway and some cool tree surfing, wood running and a coupleof trench runs - will process the video and get it posted as soon as I can…
Admins, can we have social badges for Aljebu, JCB Driver, Robertspark and Dobby please
Who else was there? People get a Socialite badge for every meetup they attend.
Done - and @Banjonic I see was there.
And another Silver Facilitator badge for yourself, of course.
That all?
I came across one of those trees earlier in the year too
Bloody things, they don’t shout any warnings before they attack do they?!
Nope, silly things, but then again, perhaps 30mph skimming trees in a tight turn was a little ambitious…
I love a good crash video, please share
Rendering the first one into a Tree Surfing video as we speak, the other ones arent particularly spectacular and the final one there is no footage on the drone as it stopped at the impact - need that battery brace methinks…
Did you have the 3d printed one on?
No I dont have one atm you only had one and gave it to Nic…