Permission To Fly High

I’ve been asked by a few people if I can get a nice snap of our village top down. One being the local dentist with these old school photos on the ceiling above the chair of doom.

I’m only a hobbist not a Pfco holder but was wondering if anyone knows if its possible to obtain permission to fly over and above the 400ft limit just for 1 or 2 shots and if so what routes do I take?

Fanks :+1:

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Why not do a series of top down photos from 400 feet and stitch them ?


Like it, that could be option. :ok_hand:

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Any recommendations on software?

I’d probably use either lightroom, image composite editor or Corel.

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^ what Steve said

Mac user myself and using AGP.

Take a look at Microsoft ICE if you’re a windows user


Cheers Chris :+1:. Mainly a Mac user myself so I will check out AGP.


Must admit I see lightroom popping up regularly. Its subscriptions I don’t really like. Going to check out Chris recommendation of AGP and compare it to lightroom. What ever I decide I need to stick with it.

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AGP is purely stitching software.

Lightroom is a Jack of all trades editor/cataloguer.


As Chris said and Lightroom will stitch them easily plus you can then process the combined file still in Lightroom.


Agreed - but to use a specific plugin that I really wanted to use that needed LightroomCC - I had to bite the bullet.

Keep an eye out - there are often some good deals on the Photographer bundle (Lightroom Classic :heavy_check_mark:, Lightroom CC :face_vomiting:, Photoshop 2021). Managed to grab it during the summer for only £7.50/month.

Same apps for stitching on Windows (ICE, Lightroom) and also Photoshop.
For whatever reason, the stitching algorithms in LR and PS are not the same (:man_shrugging:) - but both work excellently.


Some selective copy/pasting of the relevant bits:

The CAA operates a permissions and exemptions scheme which is designed to enable operations beyond the normal bounds of the regulations laid down within the Air Navigation Order

Because the Permission will enable you to reduce the normal safety limits that have been set out for unmanned aircraft operations, the CAA must obviously be satisfied that you are able to do this safely

The process that we use is the same one that must be followed by UAS operators who wish to conduct commercial operations


I hope, but doubt, there’s an easier way?


Stitching it is then. :scream: think it would be easier to find and make friends with a helicopter pilot :joy:

thanks for the info Rich. :+1:

A Litchi mission would make quick work of the flight and positioning as you can map it all out offline first.


genius mate, didn’t think of that, although I’m not an owner of Litchi but you can do the same on GO4 :+1:

Heres what I did in DroneLink for the Owner of the Old Hall at the end of my street, it was set to photo every 2 seconds as he wanted a load for 3d CAD mapping, but the theory is the same.


I’m investigating DJI’s GSP anyone used this? I’m just having a play now.

does this stop and snap or snap on the go?

Is GSP available for Android, now?

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no mate, I did search in the play store but ended up downloading on to ipad :rage: