I think as long as you go reputable brand/seller with lots of good feedback then all is good.
I’m only reluctant with anything that physically plugs into the mains that isn’t branded or manufacturers own
I think as long as you go reputable brand/seller with lots of good feedback then all is good.
I’m only reluctant with anything that physically plugs into the mains that isn’t branded or manufacturers own
Fair point, Chris. Brand is VCUtech (being truthful - I’d never heard of it) on the plus side it does get 4.6/5 over 336 reviews on Amazon. It does seem a decent bit of kit but admittedly it isn’t DJI.
Thank you
If you haven’t already sourced the led lights try these, they conform to the CAA and FAA to fly at night
I have the C1 versions of the strobons (red & green) and they are fantastic. Only thing to note is that they weigh 4g each so take you right up to the 250g limit
That;s looking good @Donb1
Another item to add to the birthday wish list
Tried that with my previous mini and first time cut my finger open!
I got the mini 2 replaced in case I had done any damage to it - one prop broke - but after 7 months haven’t flown her yet - will need to pluck up the courage to do it via my hand again.
Keep your hand flat. Don’t try and grip the Mini. Think of feeding a horse.
I was out using my mini 2 for the first time yesterday and managed to hand launch and land a couple of dozen times without any problems. I just made sure I kept my hand perfectly flat. Even though the grass had just been cut it was still long enough to interfere with the props on take off.
Never knew they were powerful enough to do any serious damage, I’ll probably worry about that on the next flight and cut myself
That’s my problem - I am allergic to horses
But I do need to get my Mini 2 up as I can hear my Air 2 even at 100m or so - not very discreet. I am hoping the mini 2 is quieter.
It is. Look at my Lynmouth video, when I come into the jetty there are people a few metres away and they don’t spot the Mini.
Ah! was going to ask about those. Obviously not a good buy then.
Loads of cases on AliExpress.
Bought a pair the other day from Amazon. Good protection!
Apart from having the Fly More package, what other accessories do you all recommend? I have a DJI Mini2
The only accessory I have bought so far have been some ND filters.
Tell me what you have
Moved your post to an existing thread that asks the same question.
Do you have a linky to any good lanyards. I struggle to see how you would attach easily to the controller.
I have two Strobon crees, one white and one red, that clip to the back arms with @ash2020 ’s 3D printed clips. They help with visibility in the air, especially once daylight is fading away.
The total weight is just under 250g.
I think there is a discount available to full members for the Strobon strobe lights
Thanks. I have done a buy!