I’m returning to the interest after a five year break - bought my original DJI Phantom early 2013, fitted GoPro, Fat Shark wireless downlink and Colour FPV display to that so was well ahead of the times then. Gave it to my son in Australia some three years back and finally decided to give it another go.
Got a Phantom 4 with iPad 4 Mini recentlyand now looking for somewhere to practice around the North Shropshire/South Cheshire area. Any suggestions welcomed.
I too was a P2/H33D/GoPro person back in those days … but never nvested in the FPV. Good days!
If you haven’t already, take a look at the Map of Members. This is a relatively new feature so not everyone is on there as yet, but I’m sure there are other members in your neck of the woods that will come and say Hi.
Welcome back from the past !!
and welcome to GADC!.
Not trying to tell an old hand how to suck and egg !, but, great advice
chit chat, to be had here.
Take a look here: https://greyarro.ws/t/gadc-drone-information-pack/3696/34
May be some useful info to print out for your droning bag !.
no worries !, you will, takes time for the cogs of membership to kick in!!
come back later, @callum, or @OzoneVibe give this poor distressed member access , he is chomping at the bit to read all that lovely information I have put up there !!
I also am a Phantom 4 flyer, besides many others I own lol !