Second Build... Doh!

I’d go for a split. If you get used to the lag, which you might not feel, your a winner. If you hate it, you’d just buy more shit next payday. Which is what you’d do any way. So… winner!

Just keep in mind with a split cam you’ll need extra space to mount the video processing board :+1:t2:

Sounds like you made your mind up lol

Nope Gon a split it. Recommendations? There’s room. Will go on middle stack and I’ll put the VTX at the back this time like I should have done last time

Can’t seem to get 30.5x30.5 spilt boards so can yoh get adapters?

He has space in abundance in that frame Deano, its like the quad equivalent of an Artic lorry :rofl:

3d printer time :laughing:
Seriously. A 3d printer was one of the best things I ever bought.
The other was a prozzy called Cheryl

Yes seems like space to you guys but for a newbie like me it’s not that easy. Just Oscar liangs recommend frame

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Venessa didn’t give me a receipt.



I know man I’m just jesting :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: It’s hard work fitting everything in (although that’s half the fun and frustration) and as a newbie the more space the better :+1:t2:

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I’ll just throw this in too as a VTX option. TBS Unify Pro32 HV. It’s a big beast but if you have room it’s a quality VTX :ok_hand:t2:

:point_up_2:t2: this!

And expensive. I can’t be losing all this again…

Half the price of a DJI Air Unit :rofl:

and more importantly it works :stuck_out_tongue:

It is but the quality is fantastic. The difference that made to my flying was night and day when I upgraded. The confidence of not losing video behind think trees etc. But I do get that it’s an expensive choice.

Too soon mate. Too soon

Im using a fairly cheap VTX but set on 800 for the same reason