Silver Jubilee Bridge, River Mersey - Added to Coastal Scenery in North West

I have just added this to the map of places to fly your drone at Drone Scene:

Land owner permission requirements unknown.

I parked on Parsonage Road, Widnes. A public footpath runs west under the two bridges, and there is an open concrete area on the river bank at what3words /// The simplest way to talk about location where I took off from.

Hazards: this site is clear of the Liverpool Airport flight restriction zone (at date of flying), but note that DJI’s no-fly zone extends across much of the river (height limit of 60m imposed unless you arrange a temporary unlock). The footpath was not busy when I flew (Saturday morning). The take-off point is >150m clear from housing and from the road/rail bridges, but note there are commercial buildings and a school playing field nearby. Also: seagulls!

The originator declared that this location was not inside a Flight Restriction Zone at the time of being flown on 07/03/2020. It remains the responsibility of any pilot to check for any changes before flying at the same location.


Thanks for all the detail @kvetner :+1:t2:


According to NATS Drone Assist that area falls within the Liverpool CTR, & is likely to contain high volumes of aircraft. They recommend not operating drones here.

The image caught my eye because it is almost exactly the view that I had out of the window of an EasyJet B737/8 landing at Speke a couple of years ago!!

NATS advice for Class D airspace is to be extremely cautious, maintain VLOS, and follow the Drone Code. This airspace classification covers most of the Liverpool - Warrington - Manchester corridor, a huge area.

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@northernlights53 it’s for this very reason the default for Class D airspace on the Drone Scene web site is set to “off”.

Because when it’s on…




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CAA map. Class D. 2500-3500 CTA. I would think aircraft are going to be lower than that though going in/out of Liverpool hence why it’s shown as red on the NATS map.

The whole reason for the FRZs to have the extended area in line with their runway(s) is to provide safety on approach (in particular) and departure.


I flew here on 23rd August 22.
I parked at the promenade on Mersey Street Runcorn and made several passes of the bridges over both the river and Manchester Ship Canal.
I made some nice passes of St Mary’s church on Wedt Bank Widnes and finally along the canal passed The Decks Apartments.
I can confirm that the site is clear of Liverpool CTS however a 60 meter altitude restriction remains in place.


That looks like a full 360° Panorama? In which case it would look better as an Interactive one. See some notes on how to post to Kuula to create that here : Interactive 360 Panoramas - How To Post on GADC.

You may get a better result by following this thread How to create high resolution 360 Panoramics


I’ve flown here too @kvetner :grin:

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I’ve flown here too @kvetner :grin:

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