Small Photo image size

Last night I was taking still photos with my Mini 3 Pro and I changed the settings to RAW + JPEG and I took the photos on the screen button instead of the trigger switch on the front of the RC Controller. When I returned home I noticed that intermittently some of the jpegs were much smaller than normal. The .DNG files were full size but this didn’t affect every .jpeg, any ideas? Thanks

was this the photos from the SD card or on your phone?

normally the fly app will save a lower res image on the phone so that it takes up less phone memory and makes it easier to share on social media.

Then the full hi res images will be on the SD card along with the raw DNG files.

This anamoly is on the SD card (used in the drone)

And what device are you viewing the SD card images on? do you have a screen shot?

File size or resolution?

I shoot RAW+JPEG on both my DJI drones, and get both files at full megapixel count, using trigger and screen button.

I think it’s possible you’re looking at the embedded preview in the DNG files; it’s a lower resolution image.

But that’s a guess, we’ll know better if you can answer questions above.

Hi all thanks for your help it appears the RAW files are small too in the attached screenshot from my PC of the SD card in details view for example 0932 RAW comes up as 18M but image size is only 960 x 540 some of the jpegs are only 1.8M. When I used to shoot in JPEG only most of the images were 8m +.

That’s the embedded preview thumbnail resolution.

In which software are you viewing the image to get that resolution?

Right click on the file and go to Properties and on the Details tab what resolution does it say?

JPEG can vary in compression/size depending on content detail.

Upload a couple of the images here (even though the RAW won’t display as an image, we can download to check).


This was with a Win10 PC in explorer, the jpeg is 1,759KB and 4032x2268 The .DNG 9Raw) is 17,992KB but only 960 x540. I’ll upload both for you. When I open the RAW in Photoshop to covert to a JPEG the resulting jpeg is under 2M ! When I shoot RAW with my Nikon DSLR’s the .NEF files (Nikon Raw) are spot on. Even if the card (Sandisk Extreme Pro) is only displaying a preview file - where is the full size RAW I also have the issue that when I shoot in RAW + JPEG the JPEG’s are also small.
DJI_0932.DNG (17.6 MB)

Here’s the JPEG

The Raw opened and edited in PS then exported as a Jpeg (2.3 MB)

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Do you think then that Win 10 Explorer shows a preview which Explorer shows the smaller file but behind it is a full size Raw file? Might explain this thanks. Can I ask as well it doesn’t appear possible to have 48M photos in the 16:9 ratio this only seems to be available in 12MP - am I missing something?

When shooting in 16:9 the camera actually crops the picture, if you use 4:3 you will get more image.
The 48mp is the full image in 4:3

That’s correct, it don’t let you do 16.9 ratio, when shooting 48 mp

Edit sorry didn’t see that last bit above in @Onanist post when creating reply, sorry chaps !

Confirmed - the 960 x 540 is the preview thumbnail - open it in PS and Camera RAW shows that it’s 4032x2268 …


Be wary of 48MP with the Mini 3 :scream:


This is the thread Sparky is alluding to:

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A bit late from me but thank you !

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