South East England Meet-up | Sunday, 6th August | Revised location

I plan to be there around 09:30 am
Everyone welcome. FPV’er, Camera Drones or even people who not a got a drone yet. No drone police, but do not be an arsehole rule applies.

Bring Grey Arrows name badge from big meet (if you have them),
Bring tea, coffee and maybe something better if not driving.
Bring snacks.
Bring batteries.
Bring spares!
Bring a chair!
Bring gazebos!

Cap Park Location: /// -

Plan to start flying near the old 2nd Tee
51.43093424226757, 0.5465673788350219 - Google Maps - Golf Course


It is near to a military base - but is good to fly south.

Weather on 6th August

  • Come rain or shine, I will be there
  • Fair weather and a fair wind, I will be there
  • If the stars align, I might just make it
  • Alas, something more important than drone flying (WTF??)
0 voters

Pinging @SirGunner @RussK @Jhdee @SparkyFPV @milkmanchris @PingSpike @liberfly @grandad1950

I love a roadtrip, but I’m flying back from Greece on that day

Looking forward to it. Thanks for the change in location!

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Would love to bit a bit far away for me I’m afraid.

Its about the same distance for me as Knockholt so I should be able to make it.

Weather Sunny, light breeze ~15% chance of rain.

For those in the competition, I plan to bring a drone in the right colour (3d-printed case), which is not DJI. Just need to find two more motors. So people can capture this in flight.

6. A Drone in Flight

  • Bonus point if it’s not DJI.
  • Bonus if its colour matches King Charles’ mistress’s wares.
  • Bonus point if has six or more motors. ☒

Lots of people waiting with baited breath to see what colour you plump for.

Hey guys, I’ve been more of a lurker her for the last year or so, but I reckon it’s time to get of my arse and come out for a day. Fairly easy reach for me.

Lets hope for good weather!!!


Its the hope that kills you …

Not looking great, although this week has been all over the place so could hopefully change…

Ask @SirGunner :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Now wheres that middle finger emoji when I need it? :thinking: :laughing:

giphy (10)

Some feedback please …

We have most people wanting to hold out for Fair Weather.

Weather on Sunday 6th: Hoo - BBC Weather Winds strong, 1 in 6 chance of rain
Weather on Sunday 6th: Hoo - BBC Weather Winds gentle breeze, lower chance of rain

Bloody Weather
  • Chance the 6th August
  • Move to the 13th August
  • Could do either
  • Will do either
0 voters

Unfortunately I’m away elsewhere on 13th but I reckon thats your best bet. UAV forecast is saying 39mph gusts on Sunday at the moment…


I’m the other way around. Can’t do 6th, can do 13th. Our paths are not going to cross this time.

Hopefully one of the 2 days will work out. I’ll be along on the next one…

I’m struggling, can’t do either 6th or 13th now
I’ll keep looking for the next posting :man_shrugging:t3: