So I was flying at various locations around East London this morning and decided to pop down to Hermitage Gdns and grab a few shots above the Thames.
Took off and all was going well, perfect signal, light winds etc, line of sight etc.
As I neared the lock entrance to St Katherine’s the GPS signal went and the controller lost connection for a very brief period… well to me it seemed like ages at the time but the weird thing is it seemed like something had taken control of it! I couldn’t move forward, backward, left or right.
Twice I attempted a RTH and it just cancelled both requests. I finally managed to make the drone descend and brought it back safely.
I’ve flown here a couple of times and never had an issue?
I’ll upload the Airdata info when I get back in.
My morning flight was in an FRZ and I used the maximum distance slider to make sure I kept to my promised area. Usually the slider is on maximum distance and I just try to keep the drone in VLOS).
So imagine my surprise later in the morning when the drone seemed like it hit an invisible wall. It wasn’t the edge of a DJI NFZ area, what could it be? I remembered that setting. Anyway, that’s not what happened to you is it? 
Yes please on AirData.
I don’t have much info to hand at present but I’m on a train. But here is my route from the Fly App. Tower Bridge Is the boundary of the restriction zone. As you’ll see my drone was a reasonable enough distance away from it…
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Same area in DJI Fly (not DroneScene because as much as I love it, it’s DJI controlling the flight):
And the two coloured warnings in the “Pool of London” areas to work around:
Which is the very reason we built DJI GEO Zone map layers in to Drone Scene 
Was this with a DJI Mini 3?
Because it wasn’t connected?
Don’t forget - after a period of no connection it will automatically RTH … if that’s how you have it set.
I recall confirming the enhanced warning zone message which I’ve never seen pop up on a previous flight in that area?
Re the distance slider, mine is set ample enough so that wouldn’t have been an issue at that location.
@uav_hampshire were you by chance taking 48 megapixel shots?
No, I was positioning myself for a shot but not at the moment it lost signal.
@uav_hampshire when I flew in that area last year I was advised that there is a blocked off zone around the navel building, the drone just stopped, it was a DJI mini 3 pro, I was flying towards the bridge, I moved it to the left and when I was able to go forward again I had reached the end of the block and was able to get a little closer, just used the zoom wheel to get closer pictures after that. Were you flying a small enough drone to go through the dove stone on the river bank, I was so tempted but ended up just doing a shot through it as it wasn’t my drone, very tempted to go back there to get that shot flying though the gap on video.
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Any AirData to share?, it’ll give us a lot more to go on
When I get back from London 
That’s exactly the location where my troubles started!!!
8:02 - 8:07 five seconds with zero signal 
I would’ve shat myself.
Are you any wiser yet what happened?
Honesty, no! @ANDMUL mention of the RNR building ties in with my incident as I was also in the same location when it all went to pot!
The interference was probably to blame, probably due to the location and in CE mode
Would have to agree. At the point the signal is lost, you are almost inline with the buildings in between.
Those buildings are probably festering in WiFi (same frequency).
I’ve had 100% signal the from the mainland to the IoW … but a night flight over Winchester had connection dropping out at about 400m … probably all the WiFi.