The Daily Photo Thread

As promised :grin:

My first flight with the Mini 4 Pro :grin:

Don’t worry @ianinlondon it wasn’t match day :rofl:


How did you get on with it Deano?

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Phenomenal mate, it’s so quiet can barley hear it when its 10m high :ok_hand:t2: ultra stealth lol Only flew one battery because I was on my lunch break from work lol extremely hard to keep VLOS because of how small it is compared to my Air 2 lol But managed to fly it to the other side of the stadium in a high wifi area with only one signal warning. :ok_hand:t2: I’d never of been able to do that with my OG mini lol


Pleasant day at Stonehenge today. :+1:


That pitch is shocking. It looks like a (neglected) ploughed field.

Still recovering from having the London Wasps play on it weekly :+1:t2:

That’s on the extreme outskirts of London… amazing how much damage a bunch of fat blokes can do just running back and forth in straight lines…

Was their home ground for 8 years. They owned the stadium. But they ended up selling it to the Frasers Group due financial issues.

Snaith/Carlton, North Yorks (Drax Power in the distance)

DJIFPV (not your regular stills machine) with a tad Snapseed magic applied


Nice composition :+1:

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2 years at College and 3 years Uni were not wasted ;o)

My heart might not always be in the tog game, but the eye never leaves you

The church of St John the Baptist, Burford, Oxfordshire



I used to spend weekends at Dean Hill now far from Pepperbox. Right next to the former underground Defence Munitions site.

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Very true :+1:

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There is (or was, it was a few years ago now) a lovely Cafè on Victoria street (13 Victoria St, Glossop SK13 8HT) called Glossop Cafeteria. Amazing burgers, and out of this world lattè. Looking online now, it may have changed unfortunately.

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Did a little test flight with the Mini 4, Took this of Shaftsbury house Built in 1938, was a right shithole, until it had a revamp in 2010


I headed out from the office in Milton Keynes to get a bit of practice with my new Mini 4 Pro.
I am surprised how much better the images look (compared to my Mini 2) considering the specification of the camera seems almost identical.
I still feel anxious when flying in new locations (particularly as this was very “urban” with quite a few people around, but it all went off without issue :slight_smile:


Are they straight out the drone ? Nice detail !

Yep, clearly the lighting was good, but they do look pretty crisp to me. Well impressed!

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Is also what I have noticed early on, with the mini 3 & also now the mini 4, I personally think the pictures are much sharper than some of the bigger DJI drones ie my mavic 3, either that or user error :laughing: probably the latter ! :man_running:t2::dash: