The GADC Drone Relay Challenge Discussion Thread

It might have to be, but fingers crossed we can enlist more help over the coming weeks/months.
I travel as far north as Turriff Elgin and Inverness, and as far south as Newton Stewart. Very ocasionally I get a trip over the border into Englandshire, and soon I might have some trips over the water to NI and ROI

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Easily doable as it’s a tiny country :joy::man_running::man_running::man_running::man_running:


Yeah my work thinks the same sometimes. Travelling home from Elgin last week they called to ask if I could “pop in to Irvine” on my way. To be fair they’re based in Norwich, but google maps aint difficult to use :man_shrugging:

It’s only this far on a map :joy:

I used to cover Scotland, I live in Manchester

One day one of the office staff said I have a job in Ullapool tomorrow

I then explained that it would be quicker for me to travel Belgium :joy:

worst part is we have an engineer in northwest and northeast of England. It’s quicker for them to get to Newton Stewart than it is for me, but it’s in Scotland so I get sent on an 8 hour round trip with an 8 eight hour job in between, then they expect me to be on site at a different job at 8am the next morning. Doesn’t happen!!! I book a hotel and stay overnight on expenses :slight_smile:

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Just down the road :joy:

Firstly, I am interested in supporting this project
Secondly, given Scotland has a population about the same as the (former) county of Yorkshire (5.3m), according to the members map, there are a proportionate number of flyers?
Thirdly, I am a bit confused about the intended product of the project…

If it is a series of still pictures of interesting scenes along a theoretical journey from Land’s End to John O’Groats*, possibly the best way to start is to:

  1. define the route, suggest criteria for “interesting” and outline the standard and styles of the stills required. Also, is this some superpowered crow flying this journey in a straight(-ish) line, sticking to B-roads, or something else?
  2. identify the likely scenes/attractions/viewpoints on that route
  3. find out whether members already have stills that
    (a) match an item in the list
    (b) to the standard specified at 1.
  4. ask local members to capture the missing stills, and perhaps organise events to support each other in the capture
    (I have skipped the usual first stage of any “hey let’s try this” project: identify the audience. We’re all mad enough to look at a series of linked interesting pictures…)

But this might get back to what @mynameisjoe suggested: “complement Dronescene with routes and maps”. Without a route of any kind, it is possible to define a style (for example, eight compass points (N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW) 40m agl, -10º, 4K, DNG, etc) and link these together in Dronescene. That way, any user could have some kind of notion of what they might see on any journey. Certainly it could build into an interesting standardised library?

Of course, I may be over-thinking this…

  • and, as we know, John O’Groats is not the northernmost point of the British mainland

For anyone interested This Post is the one that gave me the idea for the above. A few pictures explain better than words what I was hoping to achieve.

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Something about that post is causing my iOS safari to crash.

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I had that about an hour ago I refreshed and it went not on a particular post tho


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I’m up for this, see earlier posts :point_up:
Suggest we split the route up into sections and a member takes responsebility for a section
I’ll volunteer for the Midlands :+1:

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Top job @Steviegeek

Sticking my name down for a section of the north west, while also looking at a lot of other @group-northwest members on all sides of me :slight_smile:

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I can look after Yorks and Humber I’ll also volunteer @Howard78 and @speatuk to act as wingmen :wink:


That’s me in as well then :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll put a plan together over the weekend for kicking this off :+1:


I can cover part the NW @group-northwest as well. So the M6 corridor is starting to get quite a bit of coverage.

Cheers for the bump, what with work and home lufe just now Inhad actually forgotten all about this. I’ll obviously be doing a fair bit of Scotland but it will be a while before it reaches the border.
My work takes me as far south as Newton Stewart in the borders, all the way up to Elgin and Turriff. I get the odd venture down south to Kettering and some other places mainly in the north of England. Hopefully the stars will align.

Once we’ve figured out the first flight, who’s doing it and when, I’ll dig out the Galaxy phone and get it wiped/charged and software sorted out.

If the south east has a few volunteers I’m happy to give this ago @group-southeast any volunteers!