I’ve tried a green and red on rear legs facing forwards, camera wasn’t affected in daylight or dusk.
Only flown it at night a couple of times and used the rear white strobe, video was fine but took it off for long exposures.
Thinking about it … I blame my #Aspergic #OCD … I like things to be so frigging impeccable and pristine! LOL!
I wouldn’t have thought so… unless you’re flying in really low light conditions perhaps.
Mine are fitted to the rear legs, one facing forward and one facing backwards and even when flying in the dead of night the camera doesn’t pick them up at all.
Mike Singer ‘upgraded’ his design to a single one-piece clip. He won’t release the STLs either - which is fair enough, he is running a business after all.
The postage is daft though
So… do any of you guys with 3D printers also own a 3D scanner?
For a single one, how about on the bottom of a rear arm? You’d be able to see it all the time, regardless of orientation (if that’s what you want?)
Just emailed Mike to see if he’s willing to print us a few sets of the two piece ones and do a deal on the shipping. Will let you know what he says
I bought cheap extension legs for my Air and glued my crees to them.
I’ve joined the CREE club too, mine arrived a few days ago but I’ve been too busy with the Disco mod.
Oh well…
And a reminder for anyone thinking of buying Strobon CREE lights, our friends and Flytron have give us a unique discount code https://greyarro.ws/t/flytron-exclusive-gadc-discount-code/1875
That’s a shame.
@datadogie does it work, cause any instability ?any chance of a photo?
They do work to a certain extent. Obviously much better in a dull day. But to be honest, once you get better flying your drone you don’t need them. Stability is still good.
I really must look into these - do they help in daylight as well?
Truth be told I have lost sight of my drone when it’s less than 100m from me. I can hear the damn thing I just can’t see it because, as you say, that brief look down and back up disorients ones vision.
Moved your post over to a more relevant thread.
There are several on strobes … check the forum search … eg: Search results for 'strobe strobon' - Grey Arrows Drone Club UK
Hi Everyone
Been searching the web for suitable LED strobe warning beacons for night flights in the U.K.
So far there seems to be two winners:
Lume Cube Strobe Anti Collision LED Light For Drone
Ulanzi Drone Flash LED Light 3 Colors :
But Im not convinced either are that good, has anyone done any research on this for the U.K. market? Everything seems to have FAA recommendations. I get the visible at three miles, which is great they just seem a bit tacky (cheap in quality not price) to fit onto an expensive done with velcro.
Mavic Enterprise looks great with the beacon add on. Looking for similar safety and quality if possible.
Check these out @Ultrazapp
Thank you that is really helpful
Use WINTER2020 for a discount too. I personally use 4 on my MP2 even during the daytime so as to be super visible
@Ultrazapp have moved your post to an existing thread that covers a lot of strobe information which you may also find of use/interest.
Been thinking of lights for my M2P. Has anyone got any video of the Strobon Cree lights in daylight and at night so I can see what they look like? I want to try some night flights, but I sometimes struggle just to see my mavic in the daytime.